Sunday, December 1, 2013

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter Fifteen.

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We,the human race,have now got to get our act together.If we don't ,well, if you think things are bad now, they most likely, will only get worse and a lot worse.
We have to wake up from our fevered dream..

Remember,what is going on in your mind changes what is going on in the World.We have to change how we think,how we imagine,in fact, re-arrange our mindset.A revolution,if you like,in our whole way of looking at life.
 Something is very, very wrong,and the politicians and bankers won't change it as they like it this way.Only we, the people can change it.
The more we have fear and worry as the driving force in our whole way of thinking,the more events will get worse.And the more things get worse , the more  fear and worry we will be burdened with.
Fear is the biggest killer of all.Fear is the weapon that has been used for centuries to keep the human race in submission.Fear of going to Hell when you die was used in the past.Now though,there are countless fears.Take your pick; fear of illness, fear of lack of money,fear of being attacked and robbed,fear of the next epidemic, fear of radiation poisoning, fear of extreme weather, fear of... well, the list just goes on and on.

To banish fear is no easy task, but it can be done by embracing a new habit of never entertaining fear.You have to be in  a place where fear cannot enter.That place you can be in is called love.

The following is by the Dalai Lama:
1.Spend 5 minutes at the start of each day remembering  we all want the same things(to be happy and to be loved) and we are all connected to one another.
2.Spend five minutes breathing in cherishing  yourself,and breathing out cherishing others.If you think about people you have difficulty cherishing think about them anyway.
3.During the day extend that attitude to everyone you meet.Practice cherishing the 'simplest' person to people you dislike.
4 Continue this practice no matter what happens or what anyone does to you.
Great stuff!

You can carry this even further.
You can look at the wonder of nature with all its magical parts,and extend your appreciation and love to all of it.Send, like a beam of light, your  good feelings of how much you cherish those trees you see,those flowers, the grass, the animals.

As you look at a tree imagine the feelings of  goodwill you feel for it going from your heart to the tree's 'heart'.

Do the same with any sights of nature that you see.

"One should cultivate a loving kindness to all the World"- Sutta Nipata.

"Even offering 300 bowls of food 3 times a day does not match the spiritual merit gained in one moment of love".- Nagajuna.

The ego is quick to anger,but as stated in an old text, said ,I believe, by the Buddha;"In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth and have begun striving for ourselves".

And think how that anger is busy planting seeds to create more trouble!
It's just not worth it.

When you feel angry, stand back and watch the emotion with detachment..It won't be able to plant any seeds if you do this.

"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love, that is the eternal rule".- Buddha.


"Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the only guarantee of peace".- Buddha.

"Conquer the angry man by love".-Buddha.

As you know from your own experience this is not the way the ego likes to operate.If someone attacks you verbally, your automatic response immediately comes into play.Most of us are on automatic pilot and little more than robots.

By not playing out this ego-game you allow your true clear consciousness to break through the clouds of ego.The more times you can do this, the more your true self will emerge.Practice it, because the rewards are literally out of this World.

If enough people have peace and love, not hatred and anger in their hearts, the World will have to change.Peace and love seem to get a bad press, as if it is naive and almost'sissy' to have these wonderful qualities.This just goes to show how sick our World is,and how far we have wandered  from the correct way of living.

When war and attacking  other countries is  considered normal behaviour,when police beating innocent demonstrators up is accepted by society,when certain segments of our society earn massive amounts of money while others starve is taken as the way things are, then we are in big trouble,as we are right now..

The News  supports war and hate,and when you watch it you accept such atrocities as part of the human lot.

Well, it doesn't have to be this way.
A revolution doesn't start in the street,it starts in my heart and  in your heart .

Mike Selley.

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