Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter 18.

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.Chapter 18.

The Power Of The Word.

Most of us tend to let words stumble out of our mouths without much thought. However, remember the joke:"When does a politician lie ? Every time he talks".I suspect these particular people  make sure their words don't come in contact with the truth.Most of us, though, just let the words come.

Think how many words the average person speaks each day, and at the end of the day, what was really
said? Most of it, probably rubbish.There is, of course, nothing wrong in speaking about many subjects at a mundane level(but, what is really mundane? )- we all do that- as it seems part of life,but by doing this all the time, we forget how powerful words can be.

It is alleged that if an infant is not taught to speak before he become an adolescent,he will not be able to learn to speak.I wonder how many other abilities we could have,and were born to have, that we don't know about.Perhaps in our very young years we should have been taught to open our celestial eye,which is the eye of clairvoyance,the wisdom eye,which is the power of intuitive insight,and even the objective eye,which  is the power to see things as they are 'in reality'.Maybe even the enlightened eye,which is the power to see both absolute and relative truth,encompassing all the other eyes.Because we were not taught these things at our proper stage of development,it is very hard, but very possible for us to do.,as many have done,  as an adult.

Our view of 'reality' is determined by our words.
Words used in Western society,make us believe and arrange our lives round a time schedule,a past, a future, and a present. The latter most people ignore.Subject and object are very important to us.The divisions in our societies and the opposites are all emphasized by our words.This keeps us firmly in the matrix,as it makes sure that we do not live in the now.

An Amazon tribe, the Piraha, use a language totally unrelated to other languages used in the World.They have a totally different  perception of the World.They do not have an obsession with subject and object,and have no word for time or quantity.In fact they live in the now,and the past and future are of no interest to them.

B.Whorf had a theory that:"People are only capable of constructing thoughts for which they possess actual words".This appears to have been supported considerably by the discovery that the Piraha people,when Peter Gordon, a Psycholinguist(people could get the wrong idea with a label like that) from Columbia University,tried to teach the tribe numbers, there  was no way that they could understand it.And he certainly tried, as he said he spent eight months trying to get them to count from one to ten, but they couldn't get it.Gordon stressed that the tribe were  by no means stupid, but were highly intelligent.This reminds me of the Saki story when a Professor trying to teach an Elephant German irregular verbs,gets  trampled to death!

Gordon claimed;"A people without terms for numbers doesn't develop the ability to determine exact numbers".

The Piraha tribe don't understand numbers,because they have no words for numbers.What, I wonder,don't we understand,because we lack certain words?

I suspect that our language was programmed into us so as to restrict our view of the World so we perceive it in a certain fixed way,and this was done to us by an outside medium.

I also suspect that a certain way of pronouncing a word,a special powerful word,can probably cause changes in front of our eyes.What people would call miracles. Without knowing those words or the right way to say them though, means we do not know how to do this.

Words when spoken, or written,or silently said create a vibration and this vibration has power and energy.

Dr.Masaru Emoto claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.When he says words like love, peace or harmony over a glass of water,he says(and he has proof)that the structure of the water changes; he has photographed this to show beautiful and intricate crystal patterns.You can check out his pictures on you tube.Whereas, if negative words are said,the water has trouble forming crystals.This also effects food.So, before you eat or drink anything it seems a good idea to mutter a few positive words!

Breath is  audible and a word is really a more pronounced utterance of breath that is made to be a word by the movement of the mouth and tongue.
Every word you speak is sending out a vibration and an energy field.
Wagner said that he who knows the laws of vibrations knows the whole secret of life.

In the future will we be able to say a word,for example, like garden,and a garden will suddenly appear before us?.We may have the ability now,but because we didn't learn it when we  were children, we cannot do this.Does this sound far out to you?I wonder how many things said in the past, sounded impossible.

But even if we can't make wonderful scenes appear before our eyes now,we can make our lives and other peoples  lives better,if not wonderful, by using the right words.

So when in conversation with anyone, remember to choose your words carefully,because as the Buddha said;"Words have power to both destroy and heal.When words are both true and kind they can change the World.One should cultivate a loving kindness towards all the World".And:

"Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.The tongue like a sharp knife kills without drawing blood".

Proverbs13.2 :"From the fruit of his lips a man enjoys good things".

Proverbs21.23:"He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity".

Matthew 12.36:"Men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken".

Matthew 12.37: "For by your words you will be acquitted,and by your words you will be condemned".

1.Peter 3.10:"Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit".

You can test out the power of words yourself. If you say certain words  such as love, peace and harmony you can feel the effect these words have on you.If you say or think of words like hate,anger  and war you feel in a different space,and it's not a pleasant area to be in.

When angry or drunk or that fatal combination ,both angry and drunk,horrible words seem to come from nowhere and seem intent on hurting or causing pain to the one you are talking to.Perhaps these words don't come from nowhere.When in a low negative state are we attracting lower dimension beings who enter into us? Is it really evil entities that are using our mouths?

If this is so,all the more reason to make sure that we are careful not to descend to a low negative frequency.

I reckon today and everyday an awful lot of people are in a negative vibe,and a lot of negative words are said all day long. This has got to change, if we want the World to change,

At the moment the old order is dying.Look around and you can see it.A real ,but slow, transformation is emerging into the light.

"It's just a simple choice right now between fear and love.The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door,buy guns,close yourself off.The eyes of love see us all as one".The late, great Bill Hicks.

The old values of competition, rivalry,greed and hypocrisy  are going to be thrown far, far away.They don't work;they never did.Look at the history of our species; it's almost an example of how not to live on a planet,with it's fixation on  war after war, after war, after war.Look at the History Of War in four minutes on this blog(it's a video) to drive home the truth of this.

As the darkest hour is just before the dawn,so we ,as the human race are waking up to get ready for a truly different kind of day.

The night has been long,and we got lost in the dark,and have been asleep too long.

We have been governed,controlled,tied up and tied down.We have been slaves to fear.

As the Buddha said:"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear."

We can all help get rid of this fear that has so firmly established itself on the frequency we are operating on, by changing our thoughts and our words.When we speak , let it  produce harmony,not fear or anger.
If enough of us can do that,and no it's not easy in today's selfish World as there are more than enough things to make us lose our cool.But we have to try,and the more we practice  being mindful of what comes out of our mouths,the easier it becomes a habit.

Most of us know someone who uses negative words all the time,and this is just a habit.By the same token,we can make it a habit to use good uplifting,encouraging, positive words throughout each and every day.

In this way, you are, believe it or not,changing the World .

Mike Selley.

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