Friday, December 6, 2013

I'm Sick 'N' Tired Of.....

I'm Sick 'N' Tired Of .....

" I'm Sick'n' tired of hearing things from short-sighted, yellow-bellied, sons of Rothschilds sicko nuts"I've had

the nerve to mess with the great John Lennon's lyrics from his classic,which is hardly ever played

anywhere,'Gimme Some Truth '.

Lying for the human parasites who are the Elite is their,' normal speak '. Almost everything they tell us is a lie,

and we, like small children, accept it all, and get on with our sad little lives, while they do everything in their

almighty power to make our lives a misery.We take it like lambs.

Let's take a few examples; believe me, there are hundreds more, but I try to keep my blog posts quite short.

Perhaps I'll do a follow up to this, if  this post proves to be popular.

1.Lie: There was no terror drill on that dreadful day of the Boston bombing.

   Truth;  There was.Check out Alex Jones and David Icke for 

2.Lie.Autism is not caused by vaccines.

   Truth. It is. Autism has reached almost epidemic proportions  since mass vaccinations started.Before then ,

 it was very rare.If you are in your fifties or sixties, think back to your childhood. Did you know anyone at 

your schools or in your neighbourhood who had autism ? No ? I thought so.According to the Natural News 

Site, Autism has gone up 1000% since 

3.Lie . This Novovirus Bug or the bug that makes you vomit and have watery diarrhoea is so common in 

Winter in the U.K. because people are huddled together in doors more. Such a statement is an insult to our 


   Truth. This is, of course, utter tosh, as if it was true this bug would have been oh so rampant in the time of

Charles Dickens, when you had loads of people sharing rooms. I strongly suspect that is a man-made

( lizard -made) germ warfare  weapon that some idiot has released into the world.

4.Lie. G.M. food doesn't harm you.It's so harmless that the major supermarkets in the U.K. are all going to

stock it, with Waitrose the only one that won't.

Truth. G.M. food does harm you , and probably kills you. Check out Natural -

5.Lie. Passive smoking causes asthma.

Truth. Nowadays we are told that about 20 to 25% of the British population smoke and asthma is very

common. In the 1950's and the 1960's about 70 to 80% of people smoked, and yet asthma was far less

common. Check out 

6.Lie. Anyone who questions government policy in the U.S. A. could be a domestic terrorist.

   Truth. What can I say, but what happened to Democracy ?

7. Lie. Alcohol causes cancer.

    Truth. Maybe if you drank non-stop everyday for a good many years it might. The way the average 

person drinks though ( I don't mean those  British government guidelines  joke measures ) such as a few pints at a 

time  or  quite a few glasses of wine, it is probably good for you.Since time began mankind has been 

drinking, and in the  U.K in the 1600, 1700, and 1800 drinking was done all the time. It was, particularly in 

the 17th century, an essential part of everyday life. In 1689, 100 gallons per head was consumed. Cancer

was, almost unheard 

8.Lie..Vaccines have prevented all the major diseases, and are good for you.

Truth. Better sanitation is the main reason for the eradication of the main diseases we have known 

throughout history. Vaccines are there to cause disease, not prevent it. The Elite want to kill most of us, it's 

as simple as that.Big Pharma pushes doctors to overprescribe drugs ... - Natural News -

  9.Lie The E,U is good for the people of Europe.

 Truth. Tell me another one. Look around you ,those who live in E.U.Poverty and suffering everywhere,

especially in the South.

10.Lie Big Pharma is trying to keep us fit and healthy.

    Truth. Big pharma, and the World health Organization wants to keep us sick from when we are young to

when we reach middle age as by then they hope that we will die after taking all their poisons.

Check out The Natural News site for a wealth of evidence on this.

How much longer are we going to take this crap ?

Mike Selley.

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