Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Throne Of Money.

Are the banks our new temples ?

The sacred hush you feel when you enter one of these Holy places, and like a communion service you line up to take the bread and wine which becomes transformed into the blood of mammon.

The bank clerk behind the Altar is the priest  handing out blessings and curses.

You can have high church or low church. Some banks look more like  Cathedrals than the givers and takers of pieces of paper, whereas others are more humble. You can take your pick.

You are given a Sacred , secret number, which you must not tell anyone. This is called, using sacred letters your" Pin". This secret name which is really a number enables you to have access to the church whenever you want to worship.

Unlike other churches these mammon ones have little alters outside, where , after giving your secret name or number, you are given little bits of paper with coloured pictures on. Or, you are allowed to see how well you are doing in the eyes of your God.

Are you blessed with lots of money, or have you fallen short and displeased your God ?

It is a very strange religion that is now in the grip of mankind worldwide.

Unless you are a member of the congregation you will be treated as a heretic.

Unless you can show that you are a fully paid up member of this church, you will find it almost impossible to buy certain things such as a house.

The High Priests of this church have been disclosed as big time crooks over the last few years, but no one takes any notice. The members are too busy praying to and worshiping the Money God.

The church teaches you that by true sincere worship you can, with the coloured bits of Holy paper, obtain material possessions, and by doing so, the more possessions you have , especially big ones, such as houses, cars and yachts, you will feel important, and looked up to,

If you are a regular worshiper, you are given a Sacred card that you can show in most places and once seen, will be given what you desire.

If you are a backslider and drop out of worship, the priests get very angry and write to you and scream  nasty threats to you down the telephone., or rather get the lower members of the church to do such dirty work.

The idea for this post came after reading , " Keep The Aspidistra Flying" by George Orwell. I am actually half way through reading this lovely story. It's mostly about how money rules the world.Here are a few extracts. Remember that it was written before the second world war.

" At an early age he had grasped that  ALL modern commerce was a swindle. What he realized, and more clearly as time went on, was that money- worship had been evaluated into a religion. Perhaps it is the only real religion- the only really felt religion- that is left to us.

Money is what God used to be. Good and evil have no meaning any longer, except failure and success.

The decalogue has been reduced to two commandments. One for the employer- the elect, the money Priesthood as it were- " Thou shalt make money."; the other is for the employed- the slaves and underlings, " Thou shalt not lose they job ".

" The world in which money is virtue and poverty a crime "

" He had a vision of London, of the Western world; he saw a thousand million slaves toiling and grovelling about the Throne Of Money.

The earth is ploughed, ships sail, miners sweat in dripping tunnels underground, clerks hurry for the eight- fifteen with the fear of the boss eating at their vitals.

And even in bed with their wives they tremble and obey.

Obey whom ?

The money- priesthood, the pink-faced masters of the world.; the upper-crust.

A welter of sleek young rabbits in thousand guinea motor cars, of golfing stockbrokers and cosmopolitan financiers, of Chancery lawyers and fashionable nancy boys, of bankers, newspaper peers, novelists of all four sexes, American pugilists, lady aviators, film stars, bishops, titled poets and Chicago gorillas."

The above was written about 60 odd  years ago. The religion has grown since then and must be the fastest growing religion on this planet.

It is high time for its demise.

Mike Selley.

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