Friday, December 6, 2013

Justin Beiber- Man Of The Year.

How right, European MTV  were to crown that Elite product, Justin Beiber , Man Of The Year.It does, I suppose, mean that he is the best and greatest man on this planet. Of course, he is; we can all see that ; he is every woman's dream, and every man's hero. The fact that he looks like a child doesn't matter one jot .

This has opened the floodgates for more awards of a similar nature.

Such as:

Tony Blair getting a new  award presented by the U.N .How about ", The Anti-Greed and Peace- Makers Blue Ribbon."


Obomber, after receiving the Peace Prize a few years ago, getting a new one called, "Defender Of The Innocents And Upholder Of Democracy And Whistleblower Protector"


The Greek Prime Minister, Samaras, being awarded a special one entitled, " Special compassionate Envoy And Protector Of The Poor And Downtrodden. "


 Christine Lagarde , that Queen of The International Monetary Fraudsters  could be presented with, a" Gold Ribbon For Helping Distressed Citizens Across The Globe. "


David Cameron, the British Prime Minister and relative of the Queen Of England, receiving the following.
" Defender Of Free Speech And Benefits."

The E.U. as a unit could be given , "The Golden Prize For Fighting Unemployment And Protectors Of The Young And Vulnerable ".

The Greek Finance Minister could receive, " The Silver Prize For Honesty And Excellence In Accountancy".

Angela Merkel: " Golden Ribbon For Helping Other Countries."

Boris Johnson , the absurdly- haired London Lord Mayor, after failing dismally an I.Q .test on radio the other day ( one question was ' how many hours sleep would you get if you went to bed at nine at night , and set the alarm for eight the next morning-he refused to answer.), " The Einstein Award Of The Year."

The British Royal Family: " The Frugal And Anti Blood Sport Prize."

Old Big Pharma: " The Life Savers And Natural Health Promoters Award ".

The Banking Sector: " The Honesty And Fairness Anti- Greed Golden Bar Award."

Remember that War is Peace and that Slavery Is Freedom.

Welcome to the grave new world that George Orwell knew was coming.

1984 ? We are now in it, but it's worse than the book. .

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