Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Slaves To Hidden Masters.

" 95% of our decisions, actions,emotions and behaviour are derived from the unobserved processing of the subconscious mind."
Bruce Lipton Ph.D.

So, almost all the time we are being controlled by a programme in our subconscious mind.Who wants that ? In other words we are like puppets, having no conscious control over what we do. What an absurd situation !The question is, how do we stop this ? How do we take the control over from our subconscious ?

It is believed by psychologists that our personality is formed by the age of 5 or 6 and it is that personality we are stuck with for the rest of our lives.

If your primary school teacher  tells you that you never manage to finish what you start, for example, this pattern of behaviour will be part of your programme, and will be with you for life.You might work for a large company and are given a task to do, but you are unable to finish it,as the hidden part of you is telling you not to complete the project.Or your mother might have said," You'll never be as clever as Tommy, the boy next door ; unlike you, he's very bright."

This would mean that all the time you think of yourself as not clever, and probably fail tests and exams because of this command.Of course, the door swings both ways.If up to the age of 6 you were told how very smart you are, you would believe for life, that you are smart and clever.In this day and age though, because of the stresses of modern life, parents and teachers can too easily lose their cool and shout and insult small children,most likely not meaning what they say.Your subconscious doesn't know whether the teacher meant it or not; it simply accepts whatever statement was made as being true.

Those who doubt the truth of you being a slave to the commands coming from the subconscious, there is some 'scientific proof to back this up.
The following is a chart of human brain action.

Activity                    Frequency                  Brain State.

Delta                        0.5-4 HZ                    Sleeping / unconscious.

Theta                        4-8 HZ                       Imagination.

Alpha                        8-12 HZ                     Calm consciousness.

Beta                           12-35 HZ                  Focused consciousness.

Gamma                      35 HZ                          Peak Performance.

" Between 2-6 years of age the brain activity operates primarily in the range of Theta.( imagination.)."
Bruce Lipton.

Delta and Theta are the states hypnotists aim for, so we are hypnotised when very young.

When a hypnotist wants to hypnotise you, the first thing he needs to do is to get you into Theta and sometimes Delta states before he begins.It follows that, being in theta up to the age of 6, you are ready to be hypnotised , without realizing it.

How to break or destroy this programme that is running in you all your life is vital if you want to live your life the way you want it.

The following quote, again from Lipton tells us how to achieve this.

"Behaviour is automatically controlled by the subconscious  mind's programme when self-conscious mind is
NOT focused on the present moment."

There we have the code that can break the subconsciousness'  vice-like control on our lives.

Once you are in the absolute present you are immediately free from the hidden underlying commands that normally control you.We must, therefore make a great effort, or effortless effort to be in the 'now' all the time.

How to achieve this is explained in my book ( chapters are on this blog ) called, " How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream ", and in many articles I have posted.I also have a series of articles under the title:
" Change Your Perception." which you might find useful.

Nobody wants to be a slave to a hidden master, so stay tuned to the absolute present all the time, and be free from the bonds that have been binding you for so long.

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