Wednesday, November 6, 2013

10 Secrets Of Life.

10 Secrets Of Life

10 Secrets Of Life.

1. That which is formless is that which is made form;from the formless comes the form, but the formed is really formless.Our senses make it appear as form.

an abstract floral fractal patternImage; which is invisible is that which makes the visible.

3.Image makers are what we are.We are creators who are creating what we perceive all the time.

We create our' reality ' which is a dream.

4.We dream when we close our eyes and sleep and share a collective dream when we open our eyes.The dream we have when our eyes are wide-open has a different texture and feel to it than the dream we have when we are asleep. It is this different 'texture' that convinces us that the eyes-open dream is somehow ' more real ' than the ones we have when we are asleep.

" All appearances perceived  during the whole life of an individual, through all senses, including sounds, smells. tastes and tactile sensations in their totality are like a dream"
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.

" Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one."

" What is life ?An illusion, a shadow, a story. All life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams."
Pedro Calderon de la Barca.

5.There is no space or time; both are inventions of the mind to enable us to be conscious of a universe that we can relate to.

" Time is an illusion.Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas Adams.

6 Now is now and is always now. Everything that ever happened and is happening and will happen is taking place now.The future, therefore, can be known by us now.

" The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

7.We are never born and never die. What we call birth is when we 'enter' this frequency spectrum, and what we call death is when we leave this frequency and return to the frequency we were on ( and are still  also on while alive ) before we are born.

8.Life between death and birth is ' more real ' - though it's still illusion- than our present existence. You could describe ' life' between death and birth as akin to our present waking state, and our earthly life similar to the dreams we dreams at night.

9 Birth as a human takes place when we, in the between death and birth state, go to sleep and proceed to dream that we are born and live and then die.
When we die, we wake up in the between death and birth state.

10. We are consciousness experiencing itself.

By Mike Selley.

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