Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Farce Of Governments.

The latest outcry over horse and donkey meat in so many products is just another example of how utterly useless governments are.
How many health scares have there been over the last few years? A lot, and yet the so- called regulatory institutions run by governments always act too late.It is obvious. The governments are not doing the job they are supposed to do.

Take the collapse of the Northern Rock in the U.K some years ago. The financial regulatory body never saw that coming , did they ?Why not ? Did the bosses of that department get the sack ? Of course not.

Look at the number of children who have been sexually, emotionally and physically abused in care homes in the U,K over the last fifty to sixty years, and yet nothing was ever done about this.

Another example is the extreme weather conditions that are so frequent. Have you ever heard that relative of the Queen of England, David Cameron, the British Prime Minister ,or any other minister declare a state of emergency, or offer aid and assistance to the people who suffered flooding or being snowed in ? No.

Well, excuse me, but I thought that's what governments are for; to help protect the citizens and keep them from harm. Is that niave ? Yes, it is, because the proof of the pudding is that they don't. I know why they don't and the reason is they don't give a dam about the people.The function of any government in reality is to rob as much money as possible from the population.

They even allow flouride which is poison, in our toothpaste and put it in our water.Consider the state of the food industry, which is hand in glove with government ,and how they are allowed to lie about what is really in our food.

I hate to use the expression, ' not fit for purpose', as that clown, John Reid, a British Labour minister kept on saying this, as he knew it made a catchy headline, but it certainly applies to the British government, and nearly all governments we have.

They pretend they are there for the people. In reality they are there for themselves, the banks, the large corporations, but most of all to keep the evil agenda laid down by the sick, Rothschild Elite, rolling on as it has been for God knows how long.

Lately though, they seem to have decided to do everything they can to harass, humiliate, irritate and annoy us, in any and every way they can.

Our wishes are always ignored.Nearly everyone in the world was against one of the greatest crimes against humanity, the Iraq war, but what government dared to go against the mighty Rothschild Elite ?Actually France had the guts to be against it, and that is why that strange man Sarkozy was suddenly sent centre stage  to carry out orders from America and Israel.

Nowadays we have the Afghan war that nobody in their right mind wants, yet the war is still going on year after blood-soaked year.Any mention of a British soldier being killed there is given about four lines way down the front page, in the British press, with  Justin Beiber's latest tantrums, or Princess Kate's latest dress
getting the spotlight as this is, believe it or not, headline news.

Then you have the ludicrous E.U. regulations. Their insanity is thrust upon us. We complain and nothing happens. 

Until now.

Hold on tight because the ride is getting rougher; this is all part of the plan. The lunacy will end as everything has a start, middle and finish. The question is,of course, when ?

This year ? Next year ? In five years ?

That depends on us. Remember we outnumber them .

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