Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Voice Of The People ( at Last )

                                The     Voice      Of      The      People      Should      Be  

                                Shouted      From      The     Rooftops.

At long, long last I can see a glimmer of light through the dark, grey mist that has enveloped the World.The talk of gloom and doom has reached such dizzy heights, and is now almost at the summit on the mountain of despair and anguish.

It seems as if the whole wide World is wringing its hands and muttering, " What now ? What's the next disaster ? What's going on ? What the Hell ? "

People everywhere wake up in the morning bathed in a sweat of confusion and fear. We go about our tasks throughout the day, all the time hearing a voice in our heads that is only ever singing one song. The lyrics we are sick to death of hearing as this voice keeps singing, " Worry, Worry. Worry." That grave-diggers beat has joined us at the hip and like a stubborn dripping tap heard in the night, it refuses to go away.

Suddenly, though a tiny light can be seen; a seed-light that could grow to become a massive beacon shining and lighting up our sad, mad World.

David Icke, that brave pioneer in search of truth, is the one who, when he heard the cries of the people who are aching and hurting, lit that wondrous torch.He is starting a T.V, Radio Station .
For details see

This , I believe, could be the seed of an Oak Tree which will grow and grow until its leaves and branches can be seen and heard throughout the World.This could change the distorted, ugly face of what is laughingly called ' Journalism.'

The World is waking up at last, but there are still a great number who are asleep, lulled by the lullabies and lies of the airwaves, tuned into the frequency of deception. These poor, deluded souls need a sharp nudge in the ribs to get them out of their frightened beds.

The People's Voice is born because the people demand it. The spirit of the awakened has moved . The light of Truth has said," Enough", and The People's Voice will be shouted from the rooftops.

Mike Selley.

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