Here are 7 facts about the Obama family that I bet will never see the light of day in any main stream media.
Don't you ever wonder why such things aren't reported ? I hope so.
1. President Obama, apart from his salary of, wait for it, all those wondering how you will get through to the end of the month , is 400,000 dollars a year. That is 33,333 dollars a month ( isn't 33 some sort of occult number ?).This is 80,000 a week and daily 1,600 dollars.Now that's just his basic salary. Add to this the following truly Royal perks to get your eyes watering: A 50,000 dollar a year expense account: a 100,000 dollar travel account: a 19,000 dollar entertainment budget, and, if you think they are are a bit low, what about an additional million for unanticipated needs!
Are you worried about the bills you are meant to pay in the next few weeks ? Well,he and his ilk don't have such crude, vulgar concerns. They are above such lowly matters.
2.Taxpayers in the U.S.A. spent 1.4 billion dollars on entertaining, flying, housing and staff for the Obama family last year.
The amount of money spent on this esteemed family has risen tremendously under the Obama administration.
What's more, never before has a President had such a huge staff, with such huge salaries. There is more; a 50% increase in the number of appointed Czars and Air Force One runs with the frequency of a scheduled airline.
Some more Royal perks.
3. The President can appoint high paid staffers without Senate approval.And he does. 469 senior staffers and 226 of these are paid 100,000 dollars a year.Seven really special, super dooper ones are paid 172,000 dollars a year. He has also appointed 43 Czars.
4. His holidays in Camp David ( If you don't think Israel rules America, just look at this name - it's in your face ! ) are free.Each round trip costs the taxpayer 23,500 dollars. The cost of transportation and personnel costs for a vist to this Israel sounding named camp are 295,000 dollars per night.
5.In the White House there is a full time movie projectionist . He sleeps at the White House and is there 24
hours a day, just in case someone fancies watching a movie.
6.The President's family gets certain travel and security expenses paid when vacating.Obama'a wife spent 42 days on vacation in the space of one year.
7. The President's dog handler was paid 102,000 dollars last year.
This information was obtained from ' Presidential Perks Gone Royal' a book by Robert Keith Grey. and also from The Daily Caller Site.
So here we are in the 21st Century and we still have Pharoahs ruling over us, getting absurd Royal perks.
Something very wrong somewhere, don't you think ?
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