Devoted mothers and fathers have been banned from watching their children play school sports unless they pass a criminal record check.
This is being forced on parents by bosses at Isambard Community School in Wiltshire, England, in a bid to wean out potential paedophiles.
Daily Mail 30.09.2012.
2.Gaddafi was killed by French Secret Serviceman on orders of Nicholas Sarkozy, sources claim.The Secret Serviceman is said to have got in with a violent mob who were mutilating the captured Libyan leader, and shot him in the head.
The motive was to stop Gaddafi being interrogated about his highly suspicious links with Sarkozy, who was President of France at the time.
Daily Mail. 30.09.2012.
3.New Year Lay-Offs; Army to fire 80.000 soldiers in'fast track' redundancies and sackings of over 45s.
The cut will reduce the Army to 86,000.It's smallest since the U K.
Every regiment in the regular Army will be hit.
Daily Mail. 30.09.2012.
No doubt, drones and robots will be the next Army.
4.U.S. Military Death Toll in Afghanistan hits 2000.The latest 'insider attack' at checkpoint kills 2 Americans and two Afghan soldiers, making 2000 U.S. troop deaths. in the conflict.
The Guardian.
I wonder if this is headline news in the U.S.A.?
5.French protestors march in 'resistance' to austerity.
Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Paris on Sunday to protest against the spread of economic austerity in France and Europe.
Jerome Cahuzac, a junior budget Minister, described the demonstration as' a fundamental error', in thinking these policies we are following are weakening France, when, in fact, they are, strengthening it.
The Guardian.
I wonder what his salary is. Oh and Mr. Cahuzac you ain't seen nothing yet
6.Badger cull could be delayed as opponents intensify campaign. The badger cull faces being delayed as opponents step up their campaign to prevent the mass shooting by targetting farmers and local residents.
The government wants to do the cull because, they allege, it is necessary to prevent the spread of bovine T.B.
The Telegraph, 30.09.2012.
Wow, sometimes protests work.The government , not content with killing mostly brown-skinned people abroad, thought it might be fun to kill a few innocent animals in their own country.
7.Kissinger and sixteen American intelligent agencies agree that in the future, Israel will not exist.
The New York Post quotes Kissinger'word for word';" In 10 years there will be no more Israel."
He doesn't say how or why, but just says it.
Press T.V.
8.One in ten young people in Britain are currently out of work, as finding a job has become nothing short of a miracle due to the country's recession- stricken economy.
Press T.V.
9.Britain violates Assanges rights. Julian Assange, who is still stuck in the Ecuadorean Embassy, has said that he has a problem with his lungs and has a hacking cough, but is not allowed to seek medical care.
Press T.V.
A spray from the government somehow targetted Assange ? Don't say they wouldn't do it . Don't make me laugh !
10.A cardboard policeman designed to stop people stealing from a supermarket in the U.K. has been stolen.
Unexplained Mysteries..
What a strange World we live in !
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