Take' The White House'. Now, white as we all know is a colour and it represents purity; a basic clean colour.Doctors wear white coats and brides dress in white.We tend to think of white as a good wholesome colour.'Whiter than white' is a saying that means someone never does any wrong.
In Britain you have 'Whitehall'. This brings to mind a hall that is good without any traces of anything bad.Whitehall is the home of the machinery of the British Government; where the civil servants do what they are told to do by the government.
Could these names be hiding a sinister truth and that is they are not white at all( clean) but very, very dirty., and are, in fact, the exact opposite of what the name implies.
Take 'The Rose Garden'.which is, by the way, full of Queen Elizabeth Roses ( she who is right at the top of the ruling elite).I wonder how many lies have been told by Presidents in the ' Rose Garden' ?
10,Downing Street is the home of the British Prime Minister.According to the internet surname database, the name , downing, once meant' the dark one' . Is there a connection here ? Funnily enough, Andrew Jackson Downing was a landscape architect who designed the grounds of the White House.
Moving away from governements, you have Hollywood, which makes it sound holy and sacred. According to Christain legend, the pointed leaves of the holly represent the thorn of Christ's crown and the red berries represent the blood of Christ.
Do you think that Hollywood is sacred or Godlike ?Wood, also as a word way back, meant 'mentally unbalancecd, insane'
Make of that what you will.
Then you have Los AngelesAccording to Wikipedia, this city is a leading World centre for business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media. fashion, science, sport, technology and education. It has been ranked the 3rd richest city and 5th most influential city in the World.It is the entertainment
( brainwashing) capital of the World. It means angels in Spanish.It is obviously a major player in our sick World.
Let's change these names a bit.
The White House= The Black House
Whitehall = Black hall.
Rose Garden= Deadly Nightshade garden
Downing Street= The Dark Ones Street.
Hollywood= Devilswood.
Los Angeles= The Demons.
Just a thought !
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