It is hard when you start to practise being only in the present, to get rid of a lifetimes conditioning of a belief in the past, present and future.It stll clings on to you like a boxer dog biting on to your leg.There you are practising here and now, and at the same time,a little voice is whispering," Great, I am in the now, not in the past or the future."..Instead of living in the past or future as you normally do, you have simply decided to stay in this time frame ( the present )which is then just a part of this moving, slide after slide time train.
If you think that, you are saying to yourself," Hey, when I'm finished doing this, it'll be the future.! "
So you are still believing in this time segregation; the past, the present and the future.
This belief must somehow be banished.
The best way to do this is to realise that the past you think you lived is thought about in the now.And what you think of as the past only ever happened in the eternal now.So it is not really the past at all.
It is hard to accept that time is a construct of the mind, as space is also.Space and time walk hand in hand ..
I sometimes wonder what life would be like, if from an infant we had not been taught about time.
No mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays or fridays, saturdays or sundays.
No months, no years.
Imagine how we would view life? It would be...?
Well, we don't really know, because all the time,or should I say in this eternal now, we have had it drummed into us that all the time we are moving through serial time.
No monday mornings or friday nights ? Yes, this is how our lives should be lived.
Our conditioned way is a lie, an illusion that drags us away from what true living is.
The solution is, of course,to practise being in the present all the time. That is the only way.The more you are in this 'real state' the more your thought habits about time will slowly fade and vanish.
You will still know that you have to go somewhere on tuesday , for example,but the difference will be, that you will know, and I mean, really know, that tuesday does not exist.It is just a concept, and you will still do whatever it is you have to do on that fictitious tuesday.
Can you imagine everyday being the same day ?
Or, how about that you are living the same day over and over, because you still haven't got it yet? So, you are given the same day, over and over again, when you are given the chance again and again, to break free from this illusion ?
It's amazing that we will dedicate years of our life studying a subject to help us do well in the World, but when it comes to studying a subject that far outstrips doing well in the World( whatever that is supposed to mean) and will give us that one thing that we all long for - happiness- we seem scared to approach it.
Is it the ego that knows if you study this, it will be no more ? I suspect that it is.
Jump off this wheel of lies; be here, be now, because that is all there is, all there ever has been , and all that will ever be.
It is the only real way to live..
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