The Independent.12.09.2012.
Strange that, as in the Bond books, the only villain who got the better of 007 was a woman.,Rosa Klebb, who poisoned him by means of a fugu venom laced blade hidden in her shoe.Flemming was going to let Bond die, and end the series then, but he changed his mind.
2.Almost 6,400 people in the U.K. were hospitilized with stress in the 12 months to May 2012,a 7% rise on the previous year and 47% up on 2007-2008 when the economic crisis hit
Stress is the single biggest cause of illness in the U.K. affecting 1 in 5 people.
The Independent 14 09.2012.
Everyone is stressed because of the policies of the governments.
3.Oh, so funny the outrage ! The Daily Mail is so, so upset over those nude photos of Kate, with headlines-
'This Magazine is ghastly'- ;Scene Of The Crime'- and this simple one-'Grotesque.' They sure like that word.It's a shame they don't use it when writing about the Afghan War, the austerity measures and Tony Blair.
4.Doctors are to be offered 'cash bribes' to slash the number of patients they send to hospital. Doctors have been promised financial incentives of up to 26000 pounds, if they take certain measures to reduce referrals.
The Daily Mail 13. 09 2012.
5.A long running study of Whitehall civil servants in the U.K. showed working long hours raised the risk of a fatal heart attack by 60%.
The Daily Mail 15.09.2012.
So that's why the Troika want the Greeks to work 13 hours a day and six days a week.
6.Last week Tony Blair reportedly earned 620,000 pounds or one million dollars for three hours work, when he was called in to broker 11th hour talks between two parties involved in a stalled 23 billion pound mining business takeover.
The Daily Mail 15,09.2012.
Who says crime doesn't pay, and it seems the bigger the crime ,the more your reward.
7.The magazine that is causing so much shock and horror in the U.K that is showing the photos of a naked Kate, is owned by former Italian Prime Minister, Silvo Berlusconi.
The Daily Mirror. 15.09.2012.
He is one of Tony Blair's friends.
8." Workers are being robbed of 7000 pounds a year," according to Brendon Barber, T.U.C General Secretary. He said, " In the U.K. average earnings should have gone up by that amount, given the growth of the economy since 1980.Those with the highest salaries have done better than those below them. The result is that average workers now get a smaller section of a smaller pie."
The Daily Mirror. 15.09 2012.
The awful part is that is was all planned out to be like this.
9.The ex-wife of Lib.Dem M.P. Chris Huhne said about politics,"It can take away your integrity.People lie to get whatever the want done.And they back-stab each other and all that stuff." She added, "I'm not thinking of one person, I'm thinking of lots of people."
The Guardian 14.09.2012
I wonder if she actually said, but it was mis- reported, the lot of them.
10.Mitt Romney said the other day that America's middle income is 200,000 dollars to 250,000 dollars.The average salary in the U.S.A, according to the Social Security Administration, is 39,959 dollars.
The Telegraph, 15.09.2012..
This guy wants to be President, and he doesn't even know what the average American earns ?
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