Sunday, May 5, 2013

Die, Die Blackbird.

  Do you remember all those sudden, unexplained deaths of animals and birds all over the world in the last few years?, All those headlines shouting out," Mystery Of Dead Birds Falling From The Sky ", "Thousands Of Dead Birds On Road.", " Thousands Of Dead Fish On Beach." Well, now we know the awful truth, which I will go into later.

I always found the suggested reasons for such deaths as not only absurd, but the sort of explanation that a child of ten wouldn't believe. Here are few of the more absurd explanations, all given by so called experts in their field, before I explain the real reasons for such mass slaughter.

In Arkansas after 3,000 red-winged blackbirds fell dead from the sky, followed by 10,000 dead freshwater fish  found in the Arkansas River, the Director of Cornell University's Ornithology lab found this to be quite natural. He came out with this gem: "They got caught up in a storm ". Yes, of course that explains it; now go back to sleep.

Other explanations were equally daft such as fireworks on New Year's Eve caused birds to lose their way and, er suddenly die in the sky.

The nerve of Keith Stephens who was some high -up in the Arkansas Game And Fish Commission takes some beating. After nearly 15 million Batfish washed up on the shores of Lake Elsinore in California, he said, " It's Not Unusual "

Such a shame that no one pointed out the glaringly obvious that it had never happened before. Are journalists scared to ask anything, nowadays, or are they just plain dumb?

I think the funniest ( although there is nothing funny about such cruelty, I admit ) was, I think from the Swedish government. A spokesman said that the birds had been drinking fermented wine, got drunk and died !!No one questioned this, or pointed out that this had never happened before, or what possessed the birds to suddenly go on a drinking spree. Why not ?

I am sure the Elite types think of us as complete idiots.You can't blame them really, seeing we let them get away with their acts of lunacy, and meekly go about our business.Some people still actually vote for Presidents and Prime Ministers with a blatant track record of telling incessant lies.

The truth is now out . Any decent human should be more than horrified at what this is.

Thanks to ,an alternative news site World Truth. T.V.The villain is The United States Department Of Agriculture. They were responsible for the massive slaughter of millions of birds, animals and fish.Not only that , but the USDA were also fully aware that  a highly popular herbicide chemical was a known bee-killer.

The news about this seems to have started in 2010 in Arkansas when 3,000 birds fell dead from the sky. This was  followed by more incidents, including millions of dead fish found dead on beaches in different parts  of the world.

According to documents on the USDA website, the cause was a government programme whose sole intention,they claim, was to kill the birds as they were considered a nuisance to farmers.This itself is very strange as many of the creatures killed never were a threat to farmers.

The programme, so sweetly called," Bye, Bye Blackbird" was really, " Die, Die Blackbird ".. It started , way back , in the 1960's.Why the news of sudden animal and bird deaths were only reported in the last few years is not explained.

In 2009 the USDA poisoned and killed over 4 million birds. 22,276 blackbirds were intentionally destroyed. The following, chilling figures of arranged deaths were obtained from the USDA site.

Red-Winged Blackbirds: 965,489
Canadian Geese:             24, 519
Pigeons:                          96,297
Grackles                         93,210.
European Starlings:         1,259,714.
I guess they really hated European Starlings for some reason.
This, is just for one year. If the sick programme started in the 1960's, this must be a tiny tip of a Titanic type iceberg.

Every day we are finding out  about more and more evil that is done by the very institutions that are meant to be there for the good of the world, and yet their deeds show them to be doing the exact opposite of what we were told they were set up to do.

This insanity has to stop.See:
By Mike selley.

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