Monday, December 23, 2013

More Sacred Sayings Re-Published 16.09.2018

When a man surrenders all desires that come to the heart and by the grace of God finds the joy of God, then his soul has indeed found peace.

2. The whole mind is untroubled by sorrow, and for pleasures he has no longing, beyond passion, and fear and anger, he is the sage of the unwavering mind.

3.When a man dwells on the pleasures of the sense, attraction for them arises in him. From attraction arises desire, the lust of possession, and this leads to passion, to anger.

4. From passion comes confusion of mind, then loss of remembrance, the forgetting of duty. From this loss comes the ruin of reason, and the ruin of reason leads man to destruction.

5. But the soul that moves in the world of the senses and yet keeps the senses in harmony, free from  attraction and aversion, finds rest in quietness.

6 In this quietness falls down the burden of all her sorrows, for whom the mind has found quietness, wisdom has also find peace.

7.There's no wisdom from a man without harmony, and without harmony there is no contemplation.Without contemplation there cannot be peace, and without peace there can be no joy..

More sacred sayings from the Bhagaved- Gita.

Is This The Starting Pistol ?


Last week in Italy, there was a demonstration against the absurd austerity measures.

The usual riot police dressed up in star-wars style space gear were there guarding their payers.

But suddenly, the usual thug policemen  hitting innocent , honest protesters stopped.

A number of police  took their helmets off and joined the protesters.

According to sociologists such a gesture should  indicate the start of a movement that will grow, and means the beginning of the end for the the lunatic Elite who are running the show.

Could this be the starting pistol ?

Let's wait and see with bated breath.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sacred Words Of Wisdom Re-Published 16.09.2018

 Sacred Words Of Wisdom.

From the Bhagavad Gita.Spoken by Krishna.

1. All this visible universe comes from my invisible being. All beings have their rest in me, but I have not my rest in them.

2...all the visible creation arises from the invisible; and all creation disappears into the invisible when the night of darkness comes.

3,Thus the infinity of beings which live again and again all powerlessly disappear when the night of darkness comes, and they all return again at the rising of the day

4.But beyond this creating visible and invisible there is an invisible higher, eternal; and when all things pass away this remains for ever and ever.

5. This invisible is called Everlasting and is the highest end Supreme. Those who reach him never return. This is my Supreme abode.

6.This Spirit Supreme is attained by an ever living love. In him all things have their life, and from him all things have come.

7. All beings are born in delusion, the delusion of division, which comes from desire and hate.

The Sage At The Door Of Heaven.

This is an old Persian tale.

A sage came to the door of Heaven and knocked.

The voice of God asked from within, " who is there ? "

The sage replied, "it is I ".

From behind the door of Heaven the sage heard God's response, which was the following.

" In this house there is no room for thee and me."

The sage feeling sad went away with a long face. He spent many, many years in deep meditation pondering on God's answer.

At long last, he plucked up his courage and returned to the door of Heaven.

Once again he  knocked and once again God asked, " Who is there ? "

The sage said, " It is I " .

But alas the door remained firmly shut.

For the next few years the sage the sage dedicated his life to finding how to get into Heaven. Hours were spent in deep thought , contemplation and meditation.

Eventually, after a number of years he paid his third visit to the door of Heaven.

Once again , as before he knocked on this wonderful door.

Once again God asked, " Who is there ?"

The sage cried out , "It is Thyself "

At this Heaven's door was opened wide.

Orwellian Unemployment Figures.

The latest ploy that the bankers, who call themselves politicians, who are running Greece into the ground, are doing, is almost straight from Orwell's 1984.

The headline of:' Athens Views ' on Friday 13th December 2013 was the following gem.

" The First Hint Of Recovery "

A truly hilarious headline I admit.

Under this sick joke the report boastfully states that the Greek government says it has beaten its budget targets and is on track to achieve a modest primary surplus. which could pave the way for more debt relief.

How many times are we going to hear about this magical primary surplus ?

The writer of this piece obviously saw through this rubbish, and knowing that a picture says a thousand words placed a 1000 word picture under the garbage,showing a very depressed looking man leaving an unemployment office in Thessalonici, Greece. He did look like all was lost.

Under the photo we are told that Greece's unemployment rate inched up again in September, reaching 27.4 % of the workforce, compared to 27.3% in August.

If anyone believes only 27.4% of the workforce are unemployed they must be looking forward to seeing Santa climbing down their chimney, or for the homeless to see him riding through the sky on Christmas Eve.

A very high percentage of Greeks work without paper, off the radar, so they wouldn't be registered for a start. I truly dread to think what the true figures are.

But the real Orwell bit is in an article in the same paper. The headline :

" Road Project Restart As Jobless Rise "

It's a classic, a corker; Orwell could have written it himself..

Beat this : " An increase in unemployment has slowed, but the jobless numbers continue to creep up ".

So the bottom line is  unemployment is still increasing. This , of course can't be said, because in the world of lies truth is an  unwelcome guest.

It;s like saying ," An increase in suicides has slowed, but suicides continue to creep up "., which really means people are still killing themselves.

Notice the word " creep" which means  to crawl, move timidly or slowly.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the exact opposite is true and that unemployment is soaring off the page.

Safe Deposits Or Not ?

When you have two reports from different people saying exactly the same thing that are splashed all over the media, it's time to hear those alarm bells ringing.

The question is , why is it so important that the public know this ?

The Greek Central Bank Chief, George Provopoulous said last week that " savers face no risk of seeing the value of their deposits trimmed. There is no chance of a haircut on deposits in the forseeable future "

Note those nice, innocent words he used; trimmed, not stolen ; haircut, not robbed.

At the same time, strangely enough, a spokesman for the European Commission, Vice President Joaquin Almunia declared the following words of comfort,

" E.U. state aid rules do not require any contribution whatsoever from bank deposits.
  No contribution is required from any deposits ".

Funny he should say that as I wonder why the E.U. passed a law in August 2013 saying that governments had the authority to take money from people's bank accounts.

The passing of this law was not, of course, widely reported, and note that  it was passed when everyone was on holiday, .

The obvious thoughts that comes to mind are that, all over the E,U. people are furiously taking money from their bank deposit accounts ( the few that have such a thing nowadays ) and this has got the bankers terrified.

And, or, governments all over Europe are planning to take money from people;s bank deposit accounts.

See :

Suspicious Theft Of A Human Heart.

The parents of a U.S. Marine whose body had come back from Greece missing his heart, have amended their federal lawsuit to add the Greek government and an Athens hospital as defendants.

A spokesman for the Greek Embassy in Washington D.C. said that the heart was kept for toxicology tests. He refused to say what happened  to it, or why the dead U.S Marine later received a heart belonging to someone else.

How very odd then that Pathologists say that it would be highly unusual to use a heart, rather than blood or other fluids for toxicology tests.

As seen in Athens Views December 13,.

Can We Photograph The Future ? Re-Published 28.7.2018

Could a camera take a photo' of a past event or a future event ?

Can past events be  photographed after they have occurred ?

Or future events likewise ?

As far back as 1958 an Associated Press report released via the Miami Herald described the following.

" A special infra-red camera  photographed an empty parking  lot from a reconnaissance plane. The result was a photograph of cars which had been parked on the lot several  hours previously, and which were not there at the time the pictures were taken."

Elgin Air Force Base in Florida were asked how this was done., and the test officials explained that a film in the camera was sensitive to heat rays, emitted by solid objects, instead of light rays as in the case of an ordinary camera.

The sensitive equipment can distinguish in thousands of a degree, heat contrasts between objects and their background.

The U.S. air force did not disclose how far backward into time a picture could be taken, and did not release their ' time pictures ' to the public, as they did not want foreign powers to copy them.

If the U.S. could do that with a camera over 50 years ago, I can't imagine what they can be doing now.
We would never be told

Extract  from ' Beyond The Time Barrier ' by Andrew Tomas.
Sphere books published 1974,

The Spiritual Tragedy Of Man.Re- Published 29.7.2018.

" The water of life ( enlightenment ) is desired, and this

water   surrounds us, soaks us, enters into every fibre and every cell of our tissues, is indeed us, and yet we

do not realise.   this and seek it outside ourselves."

D. T. Suzuki in his classic; Living By Zen ', published by Rider

Such a simple truth, yet such a true one

We are like fish in the sea, crying out , ' where is the water ?'

Mike Selley.

The Curse Of Greed.

"  The    World    has    enough    for    everyone's    need,  

    but    not    enough    for    everyone's    greed.    "


Friday, December 13, 2013

International Money Fraud Evil.Re-Pub' 29.12.2018.

International Money Fraud Evil.

" I have more sympathy for the children in Africa than I do for the Greeks."

Who said those honeyed words ? It was none other than the Queen of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, or , as it should be called to meet the requirements of the Trade Description Act , the International Money Fraud Tree.

Actually,Ms. C. Lagarde we know from  your esteemed organizations actions in both these countries, that you don't have any sympathy for any poor African children or for any poor Greeks.

The I.M.F. on its website must be having a joke with its readers. This is what it proudly proclaims :

" The I.M.F. is an organization of 188 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and reduce poverty around the world."

Now is that funny or is that sad, when you know that the exact (and I mean exactly exact) opposite is true?

According to all the available evidence to date it does the following:

"Destroy monetary cooperation,encourage financial instability,hinder international trade, promote high unemployment and increase poverty around the world."

This is what this truly awful organization has done and is still doing, and I am not exaggerating.

Just look at two of its victims; Argentina and Greece.There are countless more.

By its fruits you shall know the tree.No luscious looking apples on the I.M.F's tree; rotten and maggot filled fruit falls from its twisted branches on to any country unfortunate and foolish enough to reach out to it.

It is an evil organization, quite simply, because it causes and has caused immense and intense suffering worldwide.Poverty, suicides, disease and death stalk the lands where this grim reaper has brandished its scythe.

Any country that gets into bed with this shameless,whore of Babylon gets very sick, very quickly and finds its whole body covered in festering, stinking sores.In the places ( thanks Leonard Cohen) where it used to play it now aches .

Here is just one example of what this ,oh, so respected organization has caused.

According to Wikipedia in 2009 a study from Cambridge University And Yale concluded that strict conditions on the international loans by the I.M.F. resulted in thousands of deaths in Eastern Europe from T.B.( Tuberculosis) as public health care had to be weakened.


In the 21 countries in which the I.M.F. has given loans T.B. deaths rose by 16%. Wikipedia states that the economic advice the I.M.F. gives might not always take into consideration the differences between what spending means on paper and how it is felt by citizens. Talk about an understatement.The first part of this should read: "The economic advice the I.M.F gives never takes into consideration.." or put another way doesn't give a dam about the people.

The truth is they don't care how much their policies hurt ordinary people, as such a consideration would not enter their left brain, reptile like, closed minds.Numbers are like God to them; people are irrelevant ; they could be machines as far as they are concerned.

Its policies are not for the good of the people, but only exist to line their own huge pockets and those of their crooked friends, the bankers.It is us who fund their lavish and greedy lifestyles.

As Greece bites into the rotten, maggot filled, mouldy, squashed , virus and bacteria filled fruit from this International Money Fraud Tree, I bet Killinger, I mean Kissinger is rubbing his hands with glee and roaring with laughter. See how much this guy loves Greece, but be prepared to be shocked at what he said. See:  

While people are ripping their hair out and slamming their hands onto empty tables and looking for candles, spare a thought for the boss of the International Money Fraud Tree. Here is something for those to ponder on as they see their sick grandparents who can't afford to buy much needed medicine,  as they stare in disbelief at the latest electricity bill  they can't pay; who look into the frightened, confused eyes of their children, loved ones and friends..

This is what Christine Lagarde, the Queen of I.M.F. earns, or rather, what she did earn last year, because it has gone up since then. I got this information from the official I.M.F. site.

467,940 dollars tax free per year


83,760 dollars tax free per year.You probably wonder why  this 2nd bit of extra  of cash is needed. This is, according to the I,M.F site , to enable her to maintain a scale of living appropriate to her position as a managing director.So, what is the first figure of  almost 468000 dollars for ? Toilet paper ? Cosmetics ? Deodorant ?

But this is not all she gets.

She is reimbursed for reasonable expenses actually incurred for entertainment directly related to the business of the fund. Also, all travel and hotel expenses incurred in the interests of the fraudsters she gets back..Any spouse or partner who fancies joining her has all his or her expenses paid as well.. She is
 told that she has to travel first class when conducting business.

Nice work if you can get it, providing you don't mind having blood on your hands,and a lot of it.

 As an aside, her terms of contract state that she should strive to avoid even the appearance of impropriety  in her conduct. Obviously this clause was faithfully adhered to by her predecessor, Strauss-Khan, as could be seen by his alleged behaviour with that maid in a hotel.

In Euros this lady earns more than 420,914 a year.How much does the average Greek earn ?

I wonder what her Christmas was like ( compared to the average Greek family ) and how the New Year Celebrations will go?

The Two You's And Ekhart Tolle.

Sitting by the sea in beautiful Aegina Town ( on  a beautiful island in  Greece ) the other day, I shut my eyes and simply listened to the sounds all around me.

The sound of the waves was the strongest sound, followed by the high pitched shouts of young children.

I had found a spot that had very few people around, but the sounds of children still drifted up from other beaches further away. Near me, and certainly making his presence known was a very vocal, insistent cricket.Wow, could he chirp!.

I just listened.

No thought, or should I say very little thought ?

I felt too.

I felt the light breeze caress and stroke my  skin;  I felt in tune with the spirit of nature ; the soul of the sea seemed to be touching me with invisible fingers, whispering secrets that I did not comprehend.

Before I had sat  on the beach I had been pondering over Ekhart Tolle's claim on how he had become enlightened. It's an interesting  story. After many years of anxiety and depression, after finishing University and not knowing what to do next, he woke up in the middle of the night, full of fear of the future.

There was strong mind activity, and he felt cut off from the World; he was very unhappy. Suddenly a thought came to him that he couldn't live with himself any longer. He then asked himself what this could mean as "there must be two of myself here", because," if I can't live with myself, who is the 'I' and who is the self?"

He asked:" Who am I and who is the self?"

"Who am I and who is this person I can't live with?"

This was his last significant thought he had, before he awoke to the truth.

The answer to this question didn't come as a thought, but as a stepping back from thought. He then knew- not through thinking- that the unhappy self he thought he was, was not real. The unhappy self then vanished, because he did not identify with it.

Later, Tolle realized that sense perceptions, thoughts and emotions make up the mix of our experiences .But, behind all these is the fundamental basis of being, without which none of it would happen.Without awareness nothing would be. It is awareness that makes all things possible.

I was contemplating this by the sea, just before I cut off my thoughts and simply listened to the sounds all around. Suddenly I knew that the  awareness was me, the real me. Awareness was no longer stuck, in a prison in my thinking machine. Now it was and is.

It was a feeling of absolute certainty; absolute wonder with no sense of time at all, and no sense of'I'.
A feeling of harmony and peace like no other.
Later, when I was thinking again, I knew that the awareness is me, you and everybody.

This awareness is vastly superior to our ego perception. It knows everything, because it is in everything; it makes everything possible. This awareness is you.

It is impossible to let this awareness be whilst we are engaged in our frenzied activities in this fevered dream. It can only be known when we create a space in our consciousness, as I had done on the beach.

There is hope though. We can do this throughout the day.We can practice  mini- meditations. It need only take a minute.

Whilst doing any activity, whether it's doing a tax return (ha, ha, ha)  or surfing the net, you can look away from what you are doing and either close your eyes, or stare at a a flower or an object. Then, try to stop thinking( so easy, I know!) and just be. Let awareness be. Be aware only. No thought.

Mini- meditations like this can be done throughout the day.

You'll be surprised to find that if you have a problem that you have been unable to solve, after these mini- meditations, you will suddenly find the answer.

The more mini- meditations you do, the more you will find that you feel happier and more peaceful, and that life is no longer such an uphill struggle.

Life becomes a beautiful adventure.

Mike Selley.

10 Secrets Of Life.Re- Published 28.7.2018

10 Secrets Of Life.

We may understand the following, but the secret is to know it and feel it to be true.

10 Secrets Of Life.

1. That which is formless is that which is made form; from the formless comes the form, but the formed is really formless. Our senses make it appear as form.

.2. That which is invisible is that which makes the visible.

3.Image makers are what we are.We are creators who are creating what we perceive all the time.

We create our' reality ' which is a dream.

4.We dream when we close our eyes and sleep and share a collective dream when we open our eyes. The dream we have when our eyes are wide-open has a different texture and feel to it than the dream we have when we are asleep. It is this different 'texture' that convinces us that the eyes-open dream is somehow ' more real ' than the ones we have when we are asleep.

" All appearances perceived  during the whole life of an individual, through all senses, including sounds, smells. tastes and tactile sensations in their totality are like a dream"
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.

" Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one."

" What is life ? An illusion, a shadow, a story. All life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams."
Pedro Calderon de la Barca.

5.There is no space or time; both are inventions of the mind to enable us to be conscious of a universe that we can relate to.

" Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas Adams.

6 Now is now and is always now. Everything that ever happened and is happening and will happen is taking place now.What we think as the future is caused by our imagination.

" The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

7.We are never born and never die. What we call birth is when we 'enter' this frequency spectrum, and what we call death is when we leave this frequency and return to the frequency we were on ( and are still  also on while alive ) before we are born.

8.Life between death and birth is ' more real ' - though it's still illusion- than our present existence. You could describe ' life' between death and birth as akin to our present waking state, and our earthly life similar to the dreams we dreams at night.

9 Birth as a human takes place when we, in the between death and birth state, go to sleep and proceed to dream that we are born and live and then die.
When we die, we wake up in the between death and birth state.

10. We are consciousness experiencing itself.

Mike Selley.

Quotes For Our Time.

smiley face simple red1. " I never believed in Santa Claus because I knew no white dude would come into my neighborhood after dark "
Dick Gregory.' 

2." I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in ".
George Mcgovern

3." The belief in an 'I' is an optical illusion of consciousness."
Albert Einstein.

4." We live now in an era where normal values have been replaced. The good is called bad, the bad- good."
Anna Politkovskaya.

5." The powers that be not only try to control events, but they try to control our memory and understanding of these events, which is part of controlling the events themselves."
Michael Parenti.

6." The truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost far worse than your darkest visions and fears ".
Hunter S. Thompson.

7." Since World War Two 90% of the casualties in war have been unarmed civilians, a third of them children."

From a video made by Lone Wolf on David Icke's site on 19.09 2012. called ' All Americans  Must   See  this'

8." If anything George Orwell understated what we are heading towards, unless we step up on mass and say,' enough, no more' ".
David Icke.

9." A war is rich old men protecting their property by sending middle class and lower class young men off to die. It  always has been ".
George Carlin.

10. " Elections and politicians are in place to give Americans the illusion that they have freedom of choice; you don't really have choice in this country "
 George Carlin. 

Greece's Christmas Top Ten Songs.- Update 2018.

The post below came out, I believe in 2013. and yet I am repeating it here.

Why you may ask as surely the years and years of austerity in Greece are over?

Isn't that what the Greek main stream media is saying? Come to think of it,this is what
all the European media is shouting.

It's a blatant lie.

An outrageous falsehood.
The number of people who are deprived of normal civilised rights this Christmas in Greece
is staggering. Yet no reporter will comment on this.Reading  this week's Greek newspapers
you would think that everybody is going to have a truly happy well fed Christmas.

Some handouts have been given this year as it's Election year coming up.
How in your face!
I don't think people will be fooled again

As I've written before  I am truly amazed that the powers that be have got away with
such cruelty upon a whole nation.

The only explanation it seems must be some microwave weapon that has kept the
populace  docile and willing to pay and pay and pay in taxes, taxes, taxes and ludicrous
utility bills.
The ruling party is very friendly with Israel and I strongly suspect that that country
has provided the weapon to keep the people down.
I have no evidence of this at all; let's call it an intuitive feeling that, I admit,
may well be wrong.

But, I have been right before.

Yer, and wrong.

When you really think about what has been inflicted on the Greek people with so much ease, the
only explanation can be brainwashing. How come the French aren't putting up with the robbery
the state is doing ?

Anyway, it's the festive season, so let's see the Top ten.

.1,  I Who Have Nothing. Shirley Bassey.

2.   Blue Christmas.           Elvis Presley.

3.   Taxman.                      The Beatles.

4.    Sweet Nothings           Brenda Lee.

5.    Shaking All Over.         Johhny Kidd.

6.     The Frightened City.     The Shadows.

7.     Frozen.                         Madonna.

8.      Sea Of Heartbreak.      Don Gibson.

9.      Wipeout.                      The Surfaris.

10.     Help !                          The Beatles.

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter 21..

How To wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter 21.

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter 21.

If you accept as true, that your everyday life is just as much a dream as the ones you have when you are asleep, this should open the door to an interesting experiment.
I have stated in an earlier chapter of this book that according to Jung, dreams are seen as projections of parts of the self that have been ignored, rejected or suppressed.He thought every person in the dream represented an aspect of the dreamer.
Fritz Perls went further to say that even inanimate objects in the dreams may represent aspects of the dreamer.The dreamer may be asked to imagine being an object in the dream to describe it, in order to bring into awareness the characteristics of the object that correspond with the dreams personality.

What insights would come to light if  in your everyday eyes open dream you saw everything around you, including inanimate objects as projections of parts of you ?

Your eyes shut dreams are full of symbols.Seeing a snake in a dream could mean wisdom.On the other hand ,it could mean danger or deceit, or temptation.Those into Freud would see it as a male sexual organ.

As you can see it can be difficult to interpret the symbols.
It's quite amazing when you think about it that you are making up these images, yet you don't know what they mean.The reason you don't know what they mean is because they are made up  (by you) in your subconscious, and you don't  have access to this part of your mind.

Back to the experiment where you view everything around you in your everyday dream as projections of you or symbols that are trying to tell you something. I have to warn you that this is not easy. It's just as hard as trying to read what your night dreams are telling you, if not, for some reason, harder.

I'll give you an example from my own life. I have for some reason got eight cats. They just wandered into my life and home over the last few years.They are adorable creatures; great company and highly entertaining. They are also  very  intelligent, as they all try and open doors by jumping up to the door handles and hitting them with their paws!

Now  if ,in my eyes shut dream , I had eight cats, it would certainly mean something. So, in this eyes open dream, it must mean something too.But what?

If you consulted a dream dictionary, you would find many different interpretations.For example, one claims that it means creativity and an independent spirit, whereas another one says they mean bad luck, and yet another says it means someone is telling you lies!

So let's try and make this easier.I believe that in your daily life all the time signs and symbols are shown to you for your benefit, but we hardly ever notice them.We don't notice them because we are so wrapped up in our thoughts of the past or of the future.That is why it is important to live in the now.By living in the now you are aware.Being aware you should notice the signs and symbols around you.

I'll give you an example.Someone I know, who is a qualified chef , hadn't got a job, and was thinking about not going back to the restaurant business.One day  after getting up she turned the T.V on. She would normally watch the news, but for some reason, probably because the news  had been full of depressing stuff recently, she decided not to watch the news, so she flipped channels .

She found herself watching a programme on cooking, and this made her realize how much she enjoyed cooking. Later in the day she happened to meet someone she knew .They started talking, and her friend told her, in no uncertain manner, that her future should be as a chef., and that she was foolish to consider other options. Suddenly she realized, without a doubt that this was what she really wanted to do.
I should mention that the girl in question , on that particular day, was strongly living in the now.
Now we come to the interesting, amazing part of this true story.

It was a hot day, and about five minutes later she popped into a restaurant to buy an ice cream to take outside.Not all restaurants allow you to do this, but this one did, She got talking about this and that to the restaurant owner,not once mentioning that she was a chef, when the owner suddenly said that she was desperate for a chef, as the last one had walked out yesterday.

My friend obviously got the job! If she hadn't seen the T.V programme earlier in the day and had  ignored what the lady on the street had said, I am sure that none of what followed would have happened.

Another example: Early in the morning one day, I opened my front door, to be greeted by a  huge dead rat right outside the door!It was a present from one of my cats for me. How on earth there are any rats near here is a mystery to me, as I would imagine eight cats would scare them away. None the less there was this mighty looking rat lying there at my feet.
What happened that day? I won't go into details, but I can tell you It was truly a lousy day;
 everything that could go wrong did go wrong.

The rat was obviously a warning to me that nasty things were going to hit the fan.

I'm not saying that if you found a rat outside your door the same would happen to you,as a rat to you might mean something else.

Here is another more pleasant example. One day, my next door neighbour  gave me a bag absolutely full of oranges and lemons, completely out of the blue. I thought it was very sweet of her. I laid the fruit out in a bowl and placed the bowl on my kitchen table. I remember thinking how great it looked.

About an hour later I got an e mail telling me that someone was sending me a nice sum of money, and this also was totally out of the blue!
Do you get my drift. The fruit was a sign, a symbol of good fortune, whereas the rat was a sign of bad fortune. I suspect that we are given signs such as these all the time, but ignore them.

If you stay living in the now though, you should become aware of them

Try and see if you can find signs in your own life.It really can be quite fun.
That is the end of chapter 21. The next chapter will follow shortly..

Mike Selley.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream, Chapter 20.

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream .Chapter 20

When you really examine the human condition you begin to understand that the 'reality' we have all agreed to perceive, is just an agreed upon , collective perception we all share. It is our collective dream we all dream with our eyes open.We have our own private dreams when we close our eyes.

You didn't, at one level, have much say in the overall pattern of what you perceive, although, from another level, you are in this state , because you need to be and you agree to be.You do though, make up your own dramas, that you think are acts of fate, but they really come from your subconscious into your daily life, just as you subconscious makes your other private dreams appear when you are asleep.

The whole set-up, the stage with its special effects, and its acts- here I am talking about your everyday life-  though are taught to you when you are a baby.You stare, as an infant, in awe at an expanse of green, green grass.While you are looking in wonder, your mother comes out into the garden and says;"This is called grass, and it is green; it gets greener the more rain it gets." So you look again at this magical green stuff, and somehow it doesn't seem quite so wonderful.It has a label; it has a name.Funny the way this takes some of its magic away.

Terrence Mckenna in his  book'Reality is made of language' makes some interesting observations, such as:

"The real secret of magic is that this World is made up of words and that if you know the words that the World is made up of, you can make of it  whatever you wish."
"We seal ourselves in within a linguistic shell of disempowered perception".

Words keep us locked in the frame. Words are the fences, the walls, the ceilings, but they can, if you know how, be doors, gateways and entrances.

Everything we perceive we label. Words are concerned with the past, the future, and a tiny bit with the present; they keep you on the time track.

Osho, an Indian Guru said;"The whole language depends on time- past, future, present. Language is a creation of the mind; time is also a creation of the mind. When you drop language, time disappears. When you drop thinking, there is no past, no present, no future.You go beyond time; there is no time.There is eternity.When there is no time you have moved into the World of the eternal.And all that you have got are temporal reflections of the truth".

Words are very interesting. Every time you say a word, a vibration is produced. These vibrations are different for each word.For example, the word 'Love' has a different vibration to the word'Hate'.

Think about it.If you use words like, hate, anger, kill, die in your daily life, you are setting up and sending out vibrations that will only connect with similar vibrations and chaos could well enter your life.

Most people nowadays, are saying words like;"I can't afford it", "I haven't got the money", "I can't pay the bill".All these words are sending out vibrations that are connecting with similar vibrations and attracting negative conditions to enter your life.

The secret of the vibration of words is found in the sound of each syllable.Take the word' war'. If you pronounce the word 'war' you are sending out a certain vibration.You will notice that your mouth, to make these sounds, brings your lips close together, then opens them, to produce the sound,'war'.So words where your mouth does the same, or slightly similar actions, have similar vibrations.

From the Vibrating Names website;"You must understand that certain words or names have power when used correctly with the proper tonal qualities and pitch and it attracts energies of the beings that are associated with them.".

In the second century people believed that certain words could produce magic.It was believed that abracadabra  could cure fatal diseases and keep evil spirits away.

Some words, which have good meanings, such as 'beautiful', 'wonderful and' marvellous 'send out vibrations that attract beautiful, wonderful and marvellous events into your life.

Try this for an experiment. One day, decide that today you are not going to use any negative words at all., but only positive ones. Even when people are moaning about a situation, don't use'down' words, only positive,'up' words.

Also, try this exercise every single day for about five minutes. Simply say very slowly, so you make the word a l-o-n-g word';wonderful'. Make it stretch out thus;' won- der - ful.' repeat it over and over again slowly.After saying this a  good number of times, say;"This is my life".

The next day change the word to' marvellous'Say it over and over and at the end of the session, doing exactly the same as before, and make sure to remember to say , at the end;"This is my life".

And the next day, you can use another positive word:' beautiful.'At the end say, as before;"This is my life".

These three words each have three syllables, so three vibrational thrusts are emitted when the words are spoken. You are actually sending out three vibrations.

If you practice this very simple exercise, you should, by the laws of life, attract wonderful, marvellous and beautiful events, places and people into your life.

Do it everyday, and you should see the results in a very short time.Don't believe me, well, try it!

That is the end of chapter twenty. The next chapter will follow shortly.

Mike Selley.