Hi,Thanks for visiting my blog. This blog is ,as it says , an oddblog, so as a description all I can say is that this isn't your everyday blog.It might shock or even make people think it's not true.Good, I hope I do make someone think.Above all, I hope you are entertained, at the least. by this oddblog.Scroll down for the posts.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Are You Angry Like Jesus ?
Are You Angry Like Jesus ?
Are You Angry, Like Jesus, Yet ?
The only time that Jesus got angry was, according to Mathew 21.12.,when he saw the money changers in the Temple.He over turned their tables and cast out the money changers, as he cast out demons from people.
Aren't Christians meant to copy Jesus ?
Isn't most of the Western world meant to be Christian?
So why aren't they copying him ?
Secret Germ Warfare In Britain.
Secret Germ Warfare In Britain
Sometimes I read something that shouldn't surprise me, but it does.It's amazing how much we don't want to believe that our governments can do such terrible deeds,yet we know they do, but when another dreadful act is reported we are still shocked.
One such report that gutted me was a report in the Guardian on 21.4.2002.I think what got me most of all was the scale on which the spraying of chemical weapons was done; that coupled with the fact that it was conducted for almost forty years.Surely such mass 'testing' was not necessary?
Britain carried out secret germ warfare tests on the public between 1940 and 1979. This means while Britain was at war, with people being bombed by the enemy, at the same time they were being sprayed by their own government with chemical weapons.Then , after the war,it was continued for another thirty +years!
Don't you find that somewhat sick?
Dangerous chemicals over vast segments of the population were sprayed without the public being told.This was done on a scale truly staggering . What was their real motive? Was it trying to kill as many citizens as possible?
This information would have never come to light if a journalist hadn't managed to find out about this after it was released, after a lot of pestering, under the freedom of information act.
This act was,hilariously, one of Tony Blair's ideas, before he morphed into the war criminal he became.He says it was the silliest thing he ever did while in office.
Military personnel were told to tell any journalist that the research was part of a research project into weather and air pollution.It makes you wonder if they ever actually tell us the truth.
Between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from N.E.England to the tip of Cornwall along the South and West coasts,dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide The chemical drifted miles inland.
According to the National Academy Of Science, large doses of this compound over long periods of time can cause bone, kidney problems and lung cancer.The Academy( which appears to be part of the establishment) didn't mention other diseases this can cause, but it probably causes a host of diseases.
How strange that lung cancer was increasing over these years. But this can't have been caused by the spraying can it , because we all know that those wicked cigarettes cause cancer.
Between 1961 and 1968 more than 1000,000( yes that is one million) innocents along the south coast from Torquay to the New Forest were exposed to bacteria, including e-coli and bacillus globiglii which mimics anthrax.This release came from a military ship anchored of the Dorset coast.
Between 1971 and 1975 the U.K. sprayed massive amounts of serratia marcescens bacteria with an anthrax simulant and phenol, over the U.K.
Serratia marcescens causes infections of the urinary tract,respiratory tract, eyes,pneumonia and meningitis.Phenol is highly irritating to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.It causes anorexia,diarrhoea and vertigo.How strange, it was about that time that anorexia started creeping into the news.
It doesn't stop there. It's almost as if a mad scientist was given a totally free rein to experiment on people, or that a James Bond type villain suddenly took over the Ministry Of Defence How Orwellian that name is when you consider that this ministry was not defending the British at all, but attacking them!
For some reason Norwich was selected for special treatment as in 1963 to 1964 they were repeatedly sprayed with zinc cadmium sulphide.Not only were they sprayed from the air,but they also drove an adapted morris van in broad daylight and sprayed the population.This area now suffers from high levels of oesophageal cancer.(This was not reported in the Guardian article, but I came accross this when researching for this article.I found it on the B.B.C. site dated 7.12.2005.)
On the London underground at lunchtime along the Northern line in 1956 the same poisons were released..This was also done under Government buildings in Whitehall.
Can you ever trust any government ever again? I certainly can't.
This report comes with a sting in its tail.
The Guardian reporter asked Porton Down , the U.K. government military science park if such tests were still being carried out now.
The answer from the spokeperson is chilling.
She said;"It is not our policy to discuss ongoing research".
So, we know that the answer is yes.
Mike Selley.
see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/insideout/west/series1/porton-down.shtml
see: http://rense.com/general39/secret.ht
One such report that gutted me was a report in the Guardian on 21.4.2002.I think what got me most of all was the scale on which the spraying of chemical weapons was done; that coupled with the fact that it was conducted for almost forty years.Surely such mass 'testing' was not necessary?
Britain carried out secret germ warfare tests on the public between 1940 and 1979. This means while Britain was at war, with people being bombed by the enemy, at the same time they were being sprayed by their own government with chemical weapons.Then , after the war,it was continued for another thirty +years!
Don't you find that somewhat sick?
Dangerous chemicals over vast segments of the population were sprayed without the public being told.This was done on a scale truly staggering . What was their real motive? Was it trying to kill as many citizens as possible?
This information would have never come to light if a journalist hadn't managed to find out about this after it was released, after a lot of pestering, under the freedom of information act.
This act was,hilariously, one of Tony Blair's ideas, before he morphed into the war criminal he became.He says it was the silliest thing he ever did while in office.
Military personnel were told to tell any journalist that the research was part of a research project into weather and air pollution.It makes you wonder if they ever actually tell us the truth.
Between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from N.E.England to the tip of Cornwall along the South and West coasts,dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide The chemical drifted miles inland.
According to the National Academy Of Science, large doses of this compound over long periods of time can cause bone, kidney problems and lung cancer.The Academy( which appears to be part of the establishment) didn't mention other diseases this can cause, but it probably causes a host of diseases.
How strange that lung cancer was increasing over these years. But this can't have been caused by the spraying can it , because we all know that those wicked cigarettes cause cancer.
Between 1961 and 1968 more than 1000,000( yes that is one million) innocents along the south coast from Torquay to the New Forest were exposed to bacteria, including e-coli and bacillus globiglii which mimics anthrax.This release came from a military ship anchored of the Dorset coast.
Between 1971 and 1975 the U.K. sprayed massive amounts of serratia marcescens bacteria with an anthrax simulant and phenol, over the U.K.
Serratia marcescens causes infections of the urinary tract,respiratory tract, eyes,pneumonia and meningitis.Phenol is highly irritating to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.It causes anorexia,diarrhoea and vertigo.How strange, it was about that time that anorexia started creeping into the news.
It doesn't stop there. It's almost as if a mad scientist was given a totally free rein to experiment on people, or that a James Bond type villain suddenly took over the Ministry Of Defence How Orwellian that name is when you consider that this ministry was not defending the British at all, but attacking them!
For some reason Norwich was selected for special treatment as in 1963 to 1964 they were repeatedly sprayed with zinc cadmium sulphide.Not only were they sprayed from the air,but they also drove an adapted morris van in broad daylight and sprayed the population.This area now suffers from high levels of oesophageal cancer.(This was not reported in the Guardian article, but I came accross this when researching for this article.I found it on the B.B.C. site dated 7.12.2005.)
On the London underground at lunchtime along the Northern line in 1956 the same poisons were released..This was also done under Government buildings in Whitehall.
Can you ever trust any government ever again? I certainly can't.
This report comes with a sting in its tail.
The Guardian reporter asked Porton Down , the U.K. government military science park if such tests were still being carried out now.
The answer from the spokeperson is chilling.
She said;"It is not our policy to discuss ongoing research".
So, we know that the answer is yes.
Mike Selley.
see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/insideout/west/series1/porton-down.shtml
see: http://rense.com/general39/secret.ht
Our Orwellian 2013 Hell.
"You asked me once,what was in room 101. I told you that you know the answer already. The thing that is in room 101 is the worst thing in the World". This a from Orwell's book ,'1984.'.
Room 101 is described as a place of torture, where prisoners are forced to face their worst fears. Even a citizens nightmares are known to the Party. In the book, Winston Smith was going to be attacked by rats, as this was his worst fear.
As we are now in a sort of almost 3D version of the afore-mentioned book, although we don't have a room 101, (as far as we know) torture has been inflicted on thousands of people in this so called,'war on terror'.
Most of the torture was done by America and Britain, though America claims this practice has now ceased. Britain denies that torture has been used, but the truth is slowly emerging that certainly seems to contradict that highly suspicious assertion.Then again Britain denied that it rained poison on its citizens from 1940 until 1979 , until a freedom of information act discovered that is what they had being doing. It's simple ; don't believe a word they say.They are liars, cheats, without honour, ethics or morals, and yet they play act and pretend that they are oh so good. Most of them are perverts too; some kill humans ( most enjoy killing animals ) and we watch Eastenders.
As Ron Paul said on 12.November 2011 ,"Torture is illegal by our laws.It's illegal by International Law."
The lunatics in charge ( for that is what they are ) ignore any law made by themselves.
We are the sheep, the stupid, the cattle, the ones they rob, rape and pillage.
Big Brother.
In the book everyone is under surveillance by the authorities. This was done mainly by Telescreens which is quite amazing, as T.V. did not become a fixture in people's lives until the nineteen fifties. The book, remember, was written in the mid nineteen forties.
In our World some people claim that computers and T.V's have cameras that are watching us. But most of the spying is done by cameras everywhere.
Big Brother IS watching you. Every major city has thousands of lenses watching people. In the United Kingdom they really fell in love with surveillance. According to an article by Paul Lewis in the Guardian on 2.3.2011, there is one CCTV camera for every 32 people! The London tube network has 11,000. Altogether it is estimated that there are 1,853,681 CCTV's in the U.K.!
Hey, that's old news, since I first wrote the above the spying has got worse as it is now one camera for every eleven people.
See http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2013/07/one-surveillance-camera-for-every-11-people-in-britain-says-cctv-survey-2533160.html
The trouble is though, they tend to malfunction, as they did .on 7.7.2005, when the London bombings took place. Strange that. Even stranger that not one newspaper wrote an article on this.
I would have thought it would have been of interest to people.
I wonder if the T.V. reality shows with Big Brother watching the people who participate in these games are broadcast to take our minds away from the fact that it is us who are really being watched .Psychologically, to re-direct our focus and attention on one particular event in the attempt to prevent us from acknowledging (maybe subconsciously) that Big Brother is watching us.In the same way that a phobia is only concerned with one fear, whereas it may well have started life as a feeling of general fear.
And now as that brave guy Snowden has shown the powers that be are reading all our e mails and listening to our phone conversations. Even Orwell didn't see that coming !
"It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in a public place, or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away A nervous tick, a look of anxiety.....There was even a word for it in Newspeak; Facecrime. This is from the book'Nineteen Eighty -Four'.
I understand that at airports , officials are now being trained to observe peoples facial and body mannerisms to ascertain whether such people are looking suspicious and might commit a crime. If the officials are of the opinion, say that Mr. Simm's face has a perplexed, shifty look( the fact the Mr.Simm has had this expression all his life-he just generally feels perplexed, and he looks shifty because that look runs in his family, is not taken into consideration) they have the power to detain him and interrogate him, and in fact make his life very unpleasant.
In 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', Facecrime is described as follows; an indication that a person is guilty of Thoughtcrime based on their facial expression.
In' Nineteen Eight -Four', the general population (the masses) are called proles. The Ministry Of Truth tries to keep the Proles content, and at the same time, make sure that they don't become too knowledgeable, lest they realize how awful the society they live in, is ,and do the unthinkable and revolt.
To keep the Proles content the Ministry produces rubbishy newspapers containing almost nothing except sport, crime and astrology; sensational cheap novels, films oozing with sex and sentimental songs ( composed by a machine) and the lowest kind of porn.
Put a few modifications to the above , such as not sentimental songs, but songs about hate and material goods and songs with sick lyrics and what do you find?
A society very much like the one we live in.Hear my song,' George Orwell '. Click here:
Mike Selley.
The Mystery Of Markellous Tower. Chapter 7.
For Chapter I see:http://mikeselleylyicsplus.blogspot.gr/2013/07/the-mystery-of-markellos-tower.html
For Chapter 2 see:http://mikeselleylyicsplus.blogspot.gr/2013/07/the-mystery-of-markellos-tower-chapter.html
For chapter Three see:http://mikeselleylyicsplus.blogspot.gr/2013/07/the-mystery-of-markellos-tower-chapter_20.htm
For Chapter Four see:http://mikeselleylyicsplus.blogspot.gr/2013/07/the-mystery-of-markellos-tower-chapter-4.html
For Chapter Five see :http://mikeselleylyicsplus.blogspot.gr/2013/07/the-mystery-of-markellos-tower-chapter-5.html
For Chapter Six see:http://mikeselleylyicsplus.blogspot.gr/2013/07/the-mystery-of-markellos-tower-chapter_27.html
And So Richard and Angela became lovers.
They both hurriedly went back to the bookshop where Richard was annoyed to see his hand shaking slightly as he tried to open the door. His whole body and spirit seemed to have risen to a higher frequency as he anticipated what was to follow.
Later Richard made them both a cup of tea.
" Let's go down and sit in the garden; it's a lovely little spot, "he said,
" I didn't know you had a garden."
Angela took a cup of tea from Richard. They walked slowly , so as not to spill the teas, down the creaky old stairs.
It was a lovely spot .A surprisingly large garden that consisted of a patio area, a very well kept emerald lawn
surrounded by flower beds full of the colours of spring and approaching summer. To crown it all, at the end of the garden was a small orchard with apple trees and raspberry bushes.
They sat in easy chairs and put their teas on a large old , oak table..The sun was still shining on them, as it tends to on young lovers. In other words they were both in harmonious , good moods; in the the afterglow of love-making.
Richard spoke softly," Look, I really don't know much about you at all. I mean, where do you live for a start ? "
Angela's gaze was directed at the orchard where a large yellow butterfly with striking black circles on its wings was hovering and flirting. Richard thought that for one mad moment she was suggesting she lived at the back of his garden. But no, he accepted, love can send you slightly crazy and your perception and reasoning can go haywire.
" Live ? " , she sipped her tea, her big brown eyes still focused on the butterfly. She put her tea down gently on the table and wiped her mouth. Her hands Richard noticed, as his eyes had been elsewhere earlier in the afternoon, were small, delicate and golden brown.
Was everything wonderful about her? he wondered. But , then again, he knew now, after the afternoon they had spent together that indeed it was.
She changed her gaze and looked Richard directly in the eyes. It was like she was wondering whether to divulge where the abode of such a wondrous creature as her's was.
She suddenly spoke." Have you ever heard of TKYM ?"
" Erm , no I haven't.I can't say that that rings a bell at all."
" Well, that's my life. That's where I live. The full title is ' The Know Yourself Movement '. and its headquarters is about ten minutes away. I own the joint and run it, and live in that grand old mansion just outside the village.".
Richard looked at her in amazement." What, you live in that wonderful, old rambling mansion, called ' Evergreen' ?"
Angela smiled as if pleased to have impressed her lover.
" Yep, that's the one"
" Wow, I always wondered who lived there. I thought it was some rich banker, an M.P. or a Lord or something .But goodness, it's you ! ".
She took another sip of her tea, which Richard was pleased to observe, she seemed to be enjoying, but then again it was Earl grey.
He thought about the at strange old house had had passed many times. It had something about it; something he couldn't quite place.Hadn't there been rumours of black magic being done there , or was he confused, and perhaps Alistair Crowley had lived there .
" Wow, that's interesting. But, tell me, what is this ' Know Yourself Movement ?"
Angela sat back in her chair and run her hands through her hair. H e sensed a long lecture was about to be delivered.
" O.K. I'll tell you, but be prepared to have all your cherished beliefs blown out of your mind. This world, this universe, this thing called life is nothing like you have ever been taught .Be prepared, "she paused and smiled, " to go well beyond the speed of light ".
Richard was all ears - and all eyes.
That old song : " Can't Take My Eyes Off you ", kept running through his head.
" You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you ".
But he was going to listen too.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Consciousness Enjoying Itself.
Consciousness Enjoying Itself.
" Consider the lilies of the field. They toil not, neither do they spin , and yet, Solomon , in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not more clothe you ? Oh ye of little faith.".
Mathew 6. 26-34.
Consciousness Enjoying Itself.
Are you happy ? Are you feeling good ? Does life seem a ball for you to spin and headbutt ?
Do you wake up with a song on your lips ?
Do you get out of bed and say, "Hey, isn't life great ?"
No ? Why the hell not, because this is how you are meant to be.
Yes, you are meant to life a life filled with joy; everyday and every night.
Don't believe me, do you ? Got to worry, got to be serious, got to be so, so anxious..
Hell, no, I've got all these bills to pay; all these concerns about everything.
You, believe it or not, are meant to be really , really happy.
This is what cdnsciousness is meant to do. It is not meant to spend its time worrying about numbers on computer screens, or on little bits of paper that we call bills.
Consciousness has been 'dumbed down'. It has been put in a bottle ( like a ship ) and because it is unaware of this, it doesn't even try to escape from its prison.
Consciousness is the child of awareness. When consciousness realizes that it is consciousness, it knows that it cannot know itself by being what it is- one-, so it has to create a vast number of life forms. These life forms perceive and experience every aspect, every angle, every nuance of itself.
The ant perceives, the spider perceives, the human does, as well as the the flowers and the trees and the stones and the rocks.
In this way consciousness knows itself inside out.
You are consciousness in a bodily form experiencing your true self. Why then, are you not enjoying what should be a beautiful experience.?
You have been seduced by the T.V. camera filming the show to believe that the camera has a name, identity and personality. You started dreaming the dream, then forgot that it was just a dream and took it far too seriously.
Lighten up.You took the percieiver as being,' real', in just the same way you take the dreamer of your dreams at night as being 'real',
Be that consciousness only; recognize that the you you believe is you is not you and is not 'real'.
Be a detached observer of all that unfolds in your life. Only this way will you be free. Watch your thoughts and emotions, but don't get involved with them. Understand that your thoughts are not you. This way you stop creating Karma. If someone shouts at you, only be aware of the feelings and thoughts this produces in you. Observe the feelings you get, but don't get tangled up in them. Merely watch them, like a scientist observing an experiment.
In this way the ego loses its vice-like grip.
Then you become aware that you are not your ego, that you are not even consciousness, but are pure awareness.
This is your true identity.
It is only then that'you' will experience bliss and heaven as awareness is really' pure love.'
Do you wake up with a song on your lips ?
Do you get out of bed and say, "Hey, isn't life great ?"
No ? Why the hell not, because this is how you are meant to be.
Yes, you are meant to life a life filled with joy; everyday and every night.
Don't believe me, do you ? Got to worry, got to be serious, got to be so, so anxious..
Hell, no, I've got all these bills to pay; all these concerns about everything.
You, believe it or not, are meant to be really , really happy.
This is what cdnsciousness is meant to do. It is not meant to spend its time worrying about numbers on computer screens, or on little bits of paper that we call bills.
Consciousness has been 'dumbed down'. It has been put in a bottle ( like a ship ) and because it is unaware of this, it doesn't even try to escape from its prison.
Consciousness is the child of awareness. When consciousness realizes that it is consciousness, it knows that it cannot know itself by being what it is- one-, so it has to create a vast number of life forms. These life forms perceive and experience every aspect, every angle, every nuance of itself.
The ant perceives, the spider perceives, the human does, as well as the the flowers and the trees and the stones and the rocks.
In this way consciousness knows itself inside out.
You are consciousness in a bodily form experiencing your true self. Why then, are you not enjoying what should be a beautiful experience.?
You have been seduced by the T.V. camera filming the show to believe that the camera has a name, identity and personality. You started dreaming the dream, then forgot that it was just a dream and took it far too seriously.
Lighten up.You took the percieiver as being,' real', in just the same way you take the dreamer of your dreams at night as being 'real',
Be that consciousness only; recognize that the you you believe is you is not you and is not 'real'.
Be a detached observer of all that unfolds in your life. Only this way will you be free. Watch your thoughts and emotions, but don't get involved with them. Understand that your thoughts are not you. This way you stop creating Karma. If someone shouts at you, only be aware of the feelings and thoughts this produces in you. Observe the feelings you get, but don't get tangled up in them. Merely watch them, like a scientist observing an experiment.
In this way the ego loses its vice-like grip.
Then you become aware that you are not your ego, that you are not even consciousness, but are pure awareness.
This is your true identity.
It is only then that'you' will experience bliss and heaven as awareness is really' pure love.'
Let's All Do The Iceland.
Let's All Do The Iceland !!
Did you know about the peaceful Icelandic revolution that took place over the last 5 years? If you didn’t, it is likely because it was never televised or talked about very much at all on mainstream news. One would have to be part of the right websites or Facebook pages to even find out that this has been going on. Why is this the case? Why keep something so monumental hidden from the public?
First let’s discuss what took place with this revolution, then it will become much more clear as to why this was never televised.
It was during a time of a lot of financial turmoil around the world and and stories were popping up all over the news of how banks around the world had been crushing or minimizing rebellions by receiving massive bailouts to keep them alive. The Iceland story is different because, there was no crushing or ending the rebellion, instead, the people rose up. This is why this was not seen on TV anywhere. If the rest of the world knew that the people won, it may give them some ideas.
During the financial turmoil of 2008 and 2009, the people of Iceland forced their government and banks to resign. How did they do this? Peacefully. The following is a summation of what steps they took over a porcess of several years, and it all began with each one of them realizing this couldn’t continue.
2008 – The main bank of Iceland is nationalized. The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market halts. The country is in bankruptcy.
2008 – Citizens rise up at Parliament and succeed in forcing the resignation of both the prime minister and the effective government. New elections are held.
Yet, the country remains in a bad economic situation. A Parliament act is passed to pay back 3,500 million Euros to Great Britain and Holland by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with 5.5% interest.
Yet, the country remains in a bad economic situation. A Parliament act is passed to pay back 3,500 million Euros to Great Britain and Holland by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with 5.5% interest.
2010 – The people of Iceland again take to the streets to demand a referendum. In January of 2010, the President of Iceland denies approval, instead announcing a popular vote on the matter by the people.
In March, a referendum and denial of payment is approved by popular vote of 93%. Meanwhile, government officials initiate an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis. Many high level executives and bankers are arrested. Interpol dictates an order to force all implicated parties to leave Iceland.
In March, a referendum and denial of payment is approved by popular vote of 93%. Meanwhile, government officials initiate an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis. Many high level executives and bankers are arrested. Interpol dictates an order to force all implicated parties to leave Iceland.
An assembly is elected to write a new constitution (based on the Denmark’s) to avoid entrapments of debt based currency foreign loans. 25 citizens are chosen — with no political affiliation — out of the 522 candidates. The only qualifications for candidacy are adulthood and the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly started in February of 2011. It continues to present ‘carta magna’ from recommendations provided by various assemblies throughout the country. Ultimately, it must be approved by both the current Parliament and the one created through the next legislative election.
It’s quite a story isn’t it? You can most definitely see at this point why this was not covered in newspapers, on radio networks and on television. Imagine seeing this story on TV several times each day wherever you live in the world, do you think the people would start to get ideas? Maybe try the same thing? Most definitely. There is always a constant push of fear, murders, anger, government success, health fallacies and false information, but never do we hear of stories that could be a threat to the system.
Another key factor of this revolution that we has to look at is that it did not come from a place of violence, bloodshed or anger. No guns or fighting! It was simply people getting together peacefully and working things out. This is something this entire world is capable of but believes is impossible. Humanity has been so programmed to give itself little credit in this department. We always hear about how we need to be governed, there are too many crazy people out there, we need a big brother keeping control. The truth is, without the confines and certain rules the system employs, we would be a much more peaceful people mainly because we are no longer acting in survival mode. Now I am not here to say that the system is the only issue because it isn’t, our programming is also very strong in what we have been taught and believe about ourselves. I am simply here to say, this programming can be broken and our consciousness can and is changing.
I also thought it was a big step to see Iceland employ a new means of choosing it’s leaders. Someone who is an adult and has 30 people supporting them can run. This is great as the only reason why we have politicians today who have educations is because the elite needs to know that these people are programmed to repeat this system. Generally they also have to have corporate affiliations as well so they know they can be controlled by money.
Now Iceland is proceeding to actually prosecute some of their formerly most powerful bankers and the Icelandic special prosecutor has stated that it very well may indict some 90 people. Meanwhile, over 200 people, including the former chief executives of Iceland’s three biggest banks, face criminal charges for their activities. While I don’t agree with the judgment factor being used here, I understand that this is the step they feel right in taking.
Hopefully more countries around the world begin to follow suit!
Boot In Your Face.
Looking at the news over the last few weeks makes me think more and more that the society we live in is insane. Also, that people are in varying degrees of insanity. Some are really mad and some are fairly mad ,whereas the majority are ,well, yes, mad also.
The stark- raving ones must be our puppet- masters; the ones who pull the strings, turn the levers, lift and draw the curtains, and decide what play we are all going to be in.
The present act must be called,' Boot In Your Face.' This was how George Orwell described the future of mankind in 1945.
When you have almost every country in the world going through some degree of suffering caused entirely by the banks ( though the puppet- masters orchestrated this ) and every government laying down ludicrous austerity measures, by asking people for money they haven't got , you know it is beyond absurd.
Greece must win the prize for the most ludicrously ludicrous, absurdly absurd austerity laws ever inflicted on any country in peacetime.There is no way under the sun that the Greeks will pay the money that is demanded.Do you know why ? It is simply because the money does not exist.
I still find it unbelievable that these highly paid, so called experts on the economy could not see this. What the hell were they talking about, the whole long summer last year one can only imagine. Hey, we have been taken for a ride .
What is so disturbing is the fact that after seeing the troika's demands not one minister in Greece said, 'This won't work as the people won't be able to afford to pay these sums '.Not one; they all just agreed to an agenda that could have been written in Alice in Wonderland. It is, according to the main stream press , only now that they are starting to see that they are not getting the money they want.The real experts, like Celente and Keiser have been saying this for years, but such talk was drowned out by such bilge as,' This is the only way'.
When you have all the main stream media supporting such lunacy, it's time to get worried.
When you see that every country has broken all previous records on having strikes; that anger and disgust at the system is echoed by all normal ( though slightly mad ) people; that people are actually dying in Europe because of the austerity, you hang your head in despair.
It is lunacy, and yet no one is saying so
Images of Greeks begging and fighting for free vegetables in Athens last week coupled with stories of school children in England who can't study because they are starving, makes anyone realize that something is terribly wrong. This should not happen Where is the outcry ?Is everyone that asleep ?
It's in your face. It's over the top. It's a boot in the human face so aptly shown by the super- protected spacemen police who strut around kicking people wherever they can . They protect the rich and the powerful and do their dirty work for them. What is the message ? It is , 'how dare you complain you are sat upon; you must be punished.'
Well, Elite, your plans to get money from people who haven't got it, is impossible.It won't work, so what will you do then ? Slam another boot in our faces ? That old dirty ,blood -soaked demon- driven one that the Elite adore.
When things get so messed up as they did before both world wars in the last century, the demon of destruction is called onto the stage..The players are swept off the board and different players are put in place. A new game then commences.
World War is a very useful weapon used by the devil- worshipers.
I wonder how long before this abomination is wheeled out ; the shock and awe as one of the wise Presidents of the U.S.A. called it. It was like he was talking about a new, action- packed Hollywood movie, and for all I know, he thought he probably was.
Looking at the present state of the planet, I would wager that war could be started at any time. It could be months or it could be years. It is certainly what the Elite want and are planning. They don't really care when it happens because they always get what they want, and they are prepared to wait.
They always got what they wanted- that is up to now. This time, though I think that they will find that they have lost their midas touch.
Take a look at the streets. Everywhere you look people are up in arms and are sick to death of the invasion of privacy and the over turning of their lives.
It will make a wonderful change for the Elite to experience the boot that they have been slamming into our faces for ever, for once . The poor fools got out of control; they got too arrogant and thought that they could do anything they want with us and get away with it. They were so blinded by their power that they didn't realize that they were going way too far and that there comes a point when the collective human psyche gathers tremendous power and says, 'you are destroying our world and we won't let you Enough of this insanity.
It's high time we removed the boot from our face.
Our Dreams Are Pure.
Our dreams are pure. but the Elite pollute them, pervert them, derange them and destroy them.

Economical With The Truth ?
" May tourism receipts. are much, much better than expected" . Yes, of course they are.
Just take a look at what used to be a popular beach in Aegina in June this year.
" If we continue like this in the months to come then ( note this strong word ) definitely recession this year will be around 4% ( tell us another one, just like the other one do ). .
" And then next year we will have a positive sign in front of the growth rate. " These honeyed words were said by Yannis Stournaras, the Greek Finance Minister recently.
Yes, of course.
I can assure you, though I am no economist with a list of degrees after my name that, with , all due respect, as I can see what is going on in Greece, because I am not living in a rich bubble, and I observe the day to day struggle that everyone who does not belong to the 1% is going through, that this esteemed Finance Minister is, I am sorry to inform him, in my humble opinion, way off target.
I mean no offence, but I can assure you that every single word above said by this guy is.complete and utter ........
Well, let's wait and see if I am right.
Who is this dude anyway ?
There is not much information on him on the internet. I wonder why ?. However , I did find out that he is on the board of Governors of The International Monetary Fund.
Wow, surprise, surprise .
I tried to find out how much he earns , but no, this was impossible, for some unknown reason.
Wait a minute though, if he works for the I.M F, didn't I read the other day that any one who works for this wonderful organization and lives in Greece doesn't have to pay tax ? I tried to find the link for this, but strangely enough, the site kept crashing.
Anyway, he is certainly one of the chosen ; one of the Elite. Look at his credentials.
He is a graduate of the Finance Faculty of the University of Athens. I wonder what his thesis was ?
" How To Destroy Democracy, By Using Austerity ", maybe.. or
" The post Democracy Society ", or
" Finance And Sheep ".
But get this, he has a MSc and PhD in Economic Theory And Practice from ( wait for it )
- the Elite's favourite brainwashing unit- Oxford University.
Does he ever wonder how he will be remembered in history ?
I seriously wonder how this guy sleeps at night.
Monday, July 29, 2013
You Create Your Life.
You are the creator of your reality.
Your life is yours and you form it.
You are focus, you are attention.Whatever you focus on will grow.
You are a powerful creative centre.
You have the power to create and form.
The universe is a shapeable universe. You can shape it with your thoughts.
The only realities are love, light and abundance.
Poverty, cold and absence have no positive realities; they are absences.
The energy of thoughts and emotions shape our World.
Conscious creation of your life is the purpose of your life.
Anything is possible, you can achieve anything.
The above comes from a very short video you will find on the next page.
Click Here for the following:
Get Free daily tips on manifesting the life of your dreams. Learn how to use Holographic Creation to easily manifest your desires, even if you lack visualizing skills Creating reality holographically is beyond visualization.
To watch the short, but powerful video,and to get your daily manifesting tips, completely FREE,together with details on how to get a FREE gift, click on the click here image below.
Click Here
Your life is yours and you form it.
You are focus, you are attention.Whatever you focus on will grow.
You are a powerful creative centre.
You have the power to create and form.
The universe is a shapeable universe. You can shape it with your thoughts.
The only realities are love, light and abundance.
Poverty, cold and absence have no positive realities; they are absences.
The energy of thoughts and emotions shape our World.
Conscious creation of your life is the purpose of your life.
Anything is possible, you can achieve anything.
The above comes from a very short video you will find on the next page.
Click Here for the following:
Get Free daily tips on manifesting the life of your dreams. Learn how to use Holographic Creation to easily manifest your desires, even if you lack visualizing skills Creating reality holographically is beyond visualization.
To watch the short, but powerful video,and to get your daily manifesting tips, completely FREE,together with details on how to get a FREE gift, click on the click here image below.
Click Here
Change Your perception ( 12 )

In Mihaly Csikszentmihaly's book (what a great name, it's even got zen in the middle of it) Flow(published by Rider 1992) he says, he discovered, after twenty five years of research, a vital fact about happiness.
On page two of the aforementioned book, it is claimed that happiness does not depend on outside events, but on how we interpret them.
People who learn to control inner experiences will be able to control the quality of their lives.
He goes on to say that, to paraphrase, people who are happy in their jobs and actually look forward to going to work, gave the tasks at work total awareness. And it was this total awareness, whereas the action of the work involved without ulterior motives, was the key to the feeling of happiness.
A Zen Master could have said the same thing.
If you lose yourself while involved in an activity, there is no sense of' 'I'. There is no sense of of perceiver and perceived; there is only the task itself .This is another way of discarding the ego.
I suggest that some activity that really appeals to you should be done by you on a regular basis.
The activity should make you so involved that you experience the feeling of complete oneness with the task you are doing.
What the activity is could be anything. It could be drawing, painting, singing, composing, knitting , gardening , stamp collecting or whatever you want.
When you engage yourself in whatever you are doing, just be totally aware of what you are doing.In other words, lose yourself in that activity, and entertain no thoughts of anything else.
Your whole life should be lived this way, but until it is, you can have a taste of it by doing something you love doing.
The strange part is that by giving your all into something, you lose your all, but gain something far greater.
Perhaps you say that you can't think of anything that you could do. If so, think back to your childhood and ask yourself what you loved doing then.
Maybe it was drawing or painting, singing or riding a bike.Well, why not return to that pleasure and take one activity up again . It doesn't matter if your first efforts are not good.If you keep practicing with full awareness,you will find that your results will improve.
It's a lot better than watching that hypnotist in your room- the T.V
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