Lady Gaga's Lyrics And The Occult.
Lady Gaga's Lyrics And The Occult.
"Oh,my love, my darling, I hunger for your touch...". "Are you lonesome tonight, do you miss me tonight, are you sorry we drifted apart?" "I heard that your dreams came true, guess she gave you things I didn't give to you..". "Every moment of existence seems like a dirty trick, happiness can come suddenly and leave just as quick ".. ."She'll let you in her house if you come knocking late at night. She'll let you in her mouth if the words you say are right'' "All you need is love"." Give Peace a chance."
Great lyrics don't you think? Well, how about these:
"I want your ugly, I want your disease, I want your horror"
"You're a criminal, your psycho".
"Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun,and baby if it's not rough, it's not fun".
Or these particular 'sulphur gems:

"I'll bring him down, down, a King with no crown."
"I'm still in love with you Judas baby".
"Judas kiss me: don't wear your condom next time".
"Judas is the demon I cling to".
Judas was the guy in the Bible who kissed Jesus, so that the soldiers could know who he was, and arrest him.
The second and third lot of lyrics are from Lady Gaga, who had a chat with the Queen of England recently. How strange. One gaga to another?
The lyrics are for a sick society. They are not about boy meets girl, or how we should love one another. They are about and for a screwed up, messed up, out of harmony people. They are pushing a sick agenda, a perverted agenda in a very neurotic World. These lyrics are from the most popular singer in pop today.
Why? Why such anti-life sentiments ?
It's all part of the agenda. Lady Gaga is just one of the Elite's little puppet performers. She comes from a very rich family. Apart from her songs containing references to evil, her videos are laden with occult symbols. The Elite love occult signs, dates and symbols. That is why we are all taught from young that such things as the occult, astrology, telepathy, numerology are all a load of superstitious rubbish. The Elite know they are not, but are desperate for us not to investigate these subjects, because if we did we would find out that they are all authentic and valid, and can be used to our advantage. Only they must have the secret knowledge.
The game plan is to have one World Government, one World army and one World bank . To achieve this they are using the occult. Oh yes, and they want one World leader. More on that later.
So what has pop music got to do with this? It's used as a vehicle to deliver hidden messages the subconscious picks up. Lady Gaga's videos are laden with occult symbolism which goes straight to our subconscious to effect the way we are, and to prepare the young in particular for the World that is now going to transform into the sort of World these insane psychopaths are aiming to inflict on us.
All religions will be destroyed, as the plan is to have one religion, led by one World leader. When I first heard that this leader would be the Anti-Christ, I thought, pull the other one, but a doubt persisted.What if..?
Also when people like David Icke, whom I greatly respect, say that the Elite worship Lucifer, or Satan on a regular basis, that got me really thinking, but more importantly, it got me researching.
I found it hard to imagine people like Rothschild, the Queen of England, Tony Blair and God knows who else prancing around dressed up in probably goat skins doing strange rituals on special occult days. I mean, it's a bit hard to swallow isn't it? But, but.. my extensive research would, I am sorry to say, indicate that this could well be true. Yes, I know it is hard to believe. Then again, think of what goes on at Bohemian Grove.Think of all the people in power who are high ranking Masons, doing strange rituals. This sort of behaviour is not at all alien to the people in power.
So, is it really true that the New World Order wants to usher in Lucifer's reign on Earth? And pop music is preparing the ground for this. People like Lady Gaga are promoted because they support the programme. Anyone who does not support this, is pushed to one side,or if they get too popular, is murdered .I think it highly likely that Michael Jackson, who was exposing the evils of the music industry, was killed because of this. And quite possibly a lot of others were killed because their songs did not fit in with the master plan.
Lady Gaga, Black eyed Peas, Justin Bieber and Madonna are the rulers favourites and are promoted non-stop. If any one of them steps out of line though, they will be either cast to one side or killed.Lady Gaga, some time ago promoted smoking weed; since then you don't hear so much about her. The Elite hate weed as they know it opens people's minds and makes them question things.
Yes these people do have talent, but there are others who are far more talented, who hardly ever see the light of day. Take Shakira. She, to my mind, has more talent in her pretty little fingers than any of the aforementioned. For a start she actually has a very good singing voice, she writes excellent songs, and apart from looking absolutely wow, she is a brilliant performer.
The funny part is , I have yet to meet anyone who likes Lady Gaga, but everyone seems to love Shakira.
Some might say, I'm just out of touch with todays pop. It's not true as I do like some artists, such as Muse and Adele very much.
Great lyrics don't you think? Well, how about these:
"I want your ugly, I want your disease, I want your horror"
"You're a criminal, your psycho".
"Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun,and baby if it's not rough, it's not fun".
Or these particular 'sulphur gems:
"I'll bring him down, down, a King with no crown."
"I'm still in love with you Judas baby".
"Judas kiss me: don't wear your condom next time".
"Judas is the demon I cling to".
Judas was the guy in the Bible who kissed Jesus, so that the soldiers could know who he was, and arrest him.
The second and third lot of lyrics are from Lady Gaga, who had a chat with the Queen of England recently. How strange. One gaga to another?
The lyrics are for a sick society. They are not about boy meets girl, or how we should love one another. They are about and for a screwed up, messed up, out of harmony people. They are pushing a sick agenda, a perverted agenda in a very neurotic World. These lyrics are from the most popular singer in pop today.
Why? Why such anti-life sentiments ?
It's all part of the agenda. Lady Gaga is just one of the Elite's little puppet performers. She comes from a very rich family. Apart from her songs containing references to evil, her videos are laden with occult symbols. The Elite love occult signs, dates and symbols. That is why we are all taught from young that such things as the occult, astrology, telepathy, numerology are all a load of superstitious rubbish. The Elite know they are not, but are desperate for us not to investigate these subjects, because if we did we would find out that they are all authentic and valid, and can be used to our advantage. Only they must have the secret knowledge.
The game plan is to have one World Government, one World army and one World bank . To achieve this they are using the occult. Oh yes, and they want one World leader. More on that later.
So what has pop music got to do with this? It's used as a vehicle to deliver hidden messages the subconscious picks up. Lady Gaga's videos are laden with occult symbolism which goes straight to our subconscious to effect the way we are, and to prepare the young in particular for the World that is now going to transform into the sort of World these insane psychopaths are aiming to inflict on us.
All religions will be destroyed, as the plan is to have one religion, led by one World leader. When I first heard that this leader would be the Anti-Christ, I thought, pull the other one, but a doubt persisted.What if..?
Also when people like David Icke, whom I greatly respect, say that the Elite worship Lucifer, or Satan on a regular basis, that got me really thinking, but more importantly, it got me researching.
I found it hard to imagine people like Rothschild, the Queen of England, Tony Blair and God knows who else prancing around dressed up in probably goat skins doing strange rituals on special occult days. I mean, it's a bit hard to swallow isn't it? But, but.. my extensive research would, I am sorry to say, indicate that this could well be true. Yes, I know it is hard to believe. Then again, think of what goes on at Bohemian Grove.Think of all the people in power who are high ranking Masons, doing strange rituals. This sort of behaviour is not at all alien to the people in power.
So, is it really true that the New World Order wants to usher in Lucifer's reign on Earth? And pop music is preparing the ground for this. People like Lady Gaga are promoted because they support the programme. Anyone who does not support this, is pushed to one side,or if they get too popular, is murdered .I think it highly likely that Michael Jackson, who was exposing the evils of the music industry, was killed because of this. And quite possibly a lot of others were killed because their songs did not fit in with the master plan.
Lady Gaga, Black eyed Peas, Justin Bieber and Madonna are the rulers favourites and are promoted non-stop. If any one of them steps out of line though, they will be either cast to one side or killed.Lady Gaga, some time ago promoted smoking weed; since then you don't hear so much about her. The Elite hate weed as they know it opens people's minds and makes them question things.
Yes these people do have talent, but there are others who are far more talented, who hardly ever see the light of day. Take Shakira. She, to my mind, has more talent in her pretty little fingers than any of the aforementioned. For a start she actually has a very good singing voice, she writes excellent songs, and apart from looking absolutely wow, she is a brilliant performer.
The funny part is , I have yet to meet anyone who likes Lady Gaga, but everyone seems to love Shakira.
Some might say, I'm just out of touch with todays pop. It's not true as I do like some artists, such as Muse and Adele very much.
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