"These numbers on my watch always confuse me. One hand is pointing at 12 and the other hand is pointing at somewhere between 4 and 5. What the hell can that mean?"
" I don't understand mine either; I never have."
" That's why I don't own a watch; they are very complex things."
" It's Amazing, this time, they haven't realized, we are taking them for a really, funny, bumpy ride. We come back every few months and say,' You naught boys, you haven't done what we told you to do, so we are going to make you lazy Greeks suffer more.This is so much fun ! Hey, Mr. Blue Skies, sack 15,000 civil servants, no let's make that 25,000 ; do it, do it now. No, of course we won't lower vat for the tourist industry ! You want it to be 9% eh ? No way, we will only drop it by 10% as a really special favour, and listen, you announce this on T.V when those demonstrations are taking place. They will think that the good times are coming !
W e want you lot to suffer. We envy your blue skies and sunny days, and we are going to use your beautiful country as a tourist haven with the Greeks serving us as slaves. Rothschild is arranging for his rich friends to buy up all the property the banks are taking back from you'". Kissinger is rubbing his hands with glee as his plan comes true. He has always held a grudge against the Greek people for getting rid of the American controlled Junta. For proof of this, see: http://mikeselleylyicsplus.blogspot.gr/2013/06/kissingers-plan-for-greece-done.html " And it's so wonderful that Mr. Blue Skies does absolutely everything we tell him to ".
" Hey, let's go and down a few Metaxas in the Hilton before we get the plane. Our expense account is so lavish !! "
At the Hilton the Troika play their favourite game. They always do this after a few drinks. They call the game: Ausbeutung . The game is very simple, as anything complicated confuses them. The one who can think up the most absurd austerity measure to inflict on the Greeks is given a free drink. Loud laughter can be heard every time the game is played.
At the Hilton the Troika play their favourite game. They always do this after a few drinks. They call the game: Ausbeutung . The game is very simple, as anything complicated confuses them. The one who can think up the most absurd austerity measure to inflict on the Greeks is given a free drink. Loud laughter can be heard every time the game is played.
The following is a quote.
"Look at Greece today. The country is run by foreigners- the I.M.F dictate how the Greek citizens live. Greece isn't a democracy now; it's run through a Troika- three foreign officials that fly into Athens airport and tell the Greeks what they can and cannot do."
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