Thursday, July 18, 2013

Eddie Cochran: Update.

My research into Eddie Cochran's death has got my hair standing on end. Jesus, what sort of evil, sick world are we living in? What I have discovered has amazed me, knocked me out and sent me  running for a drink !!These evil , evil beings who control the world of pop music are surely beings from hell.
' Rock Around The Clock ' was  a --- . Well. wait for my article to explain this.

How about that nice, clean living Cliff Richard, a huge pop star in England, .  He never knew the Kray brothers ( biggest mafia in the U.K in the 1950's did he ?) Of course not, and they didn't help him become a pop star  did they ? Of course not.

And the wonderful  Shadows.

Why was Johnny Kidd killed ?

Why was Buddy Holly Killed ?

Why was anyone who stood in the way of ,' The Grand Plan Killed '.

It will be a while before I can  assemble all the truly vile plans of these sick, sick people,

Stay tuned.


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