Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Mystery Of Markellos Tower. Chapter 5.

For Chapter One see:

For Chapter Two see:

For Chapter Three see:

For Chapter Four see:

Richard really couldn't understand Angela. Was she slightly mad, he wondered. Was she on some sort of drugs; pharma ones or illegal ones ?

He turned his computer off and leaned back in his chair.He started to think about all the things that to him didn't quite make sense.

For a start, asking for a book called 33.3 by author unknown and by a publishers that he was sure did not exist, was a little odd, though not that weird. After all lots of people asked for books whose author they didn't know.
He had searched and searched for Elaycul  publishers but had met a brick wall. .He was convinced they did not exist .In fact, he was half- convinced that this 33.3 book didn't exist either.

He had asked her for her phone number so he could phone her to let her know if he had found the book. Her response to this simple request had been , to say the least, strange.She had told him that she was not allowed to use the phone. She then said, " I'll call in again sometime to see if you've got the book."

 After asking her with a half smile why she wasn't allowed to use a phone she had got annoyed.

" I'm not at liberty to tell you", had been the sharp response.

A few days later on a wet morning she suddenly walked into the shop, wearing a thin yellow mac, a pair of old -fashioned wellington boots, and carrying a large closed umbrella which had started to drip puddles over the floor.

Richard had been annoyed , first of all, when he saw the dripping umbrella, but when he saw who was the holder of the offending instrument, he forgave her at once.

She giggled as she entered, shutting the shop door. It was like a soft feline purr that Richard found enticing.

" Hey, it's me again;  I called in the other day..."

Richard interrupted  her, " Yes, of course , I remember. You wanted a book called 33.3."

" And ? " Her voice was a sort of blend of middle class Southern  English with, what was it? A hint of an Irish accent ?

It didn't, Richard thought, matter what she wears, she still looks gorgeous.

Once again, he simply goggled at her like a snake mesmerized by the sound of a flute.

He finally pulled himself together and got up from his desk. He walked over to her and said, manfully, he hoped, trying to lower his  deep voice down even lower than it was.,"Here, let me take your mac and brolly; I'll put them in the back room to help them dry out."

She gave him a cold stare.

" I didn't come for a social visit." She must have sensed his slight hurt, as she quickly added, " I'm sorry to say, but I just came to inquire about the book."

Richard was not unduly upset by this as he had had a lot of girlfriends, and he knew how seemingly blunt
they could be sometimes.

" Oh, I was just trying to be helpful, " he said casually.

He stood facing her. He was about five foot ten and she was about five foot four.He had dark brown hair, like she did,and she had soft brown eyes, while his were blue. He was quite good looking, but not with picture perfect  film star looks. He'd always had girlfriends.

They were both slim, but not thin. He couldn't help wondering how she would look naked , but quickly stopped the thought.

" Now," he said again trying to sound very masculine. Why did she make him do this ? He had never done this when in the company of other girls. Why was he trying to prove that he was a man ?

"This book 33.3, I'm afraid I don't think it exists as the publishers name is impossible to find. Can you tell me where you heard or read about this book ?"

Angela twisted the umbrella round as she pushed the top spike into the floor., and another small puddle appeared around her.

" Well, yes, I actually had a dream about it and the dream told me that I had to find this book."

Richard couldn't stop himself , though he tried, from smiling.

" Oh, I see, " he said with a grin. " So maybe I'm right and your dream was  wrong. "

At which point she looked at him like she thought he had lost his senses.

She looked at the ground for a second. When she looked back at Richard there was an intensity about her that was rather disturbing. She spoke slowly as if speaking to a child.

" My dreams don't tell me lies. I can assure you the book exists. Please keep looking for it. I will come back in a few days." She paused as if realizing that maybe she had come on a bit strong..
She suddenly smiled that killer smile.

" Thanks, bye".

Then she was gone.

Like Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ?

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