Friday, July 26, 2013

We Have Had Enough.

This is Bananas ! Beyond Bananas !This is the Banana Banana of Bananas !
We, the people, have had enough. 

You can almost smell the anger in Athens,and I’m sure it’s the same in France, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy, the U.K. and elsewhere where people are waking from their slumber.

The beings ( it’s an insult to us to call them human-and maybe they are not of our seed)  who are running this  sick show are still stuck with their dinosaur  mindset. They still  act like the Pharoahs, the Kings of old, the Lords of the Manor. And they are still doing exactly the same things that they have always done.

Attacking other countries ,looting their wealth, their minerals, killing countless innocents, in their uncontrolled hunger and unbridled greed.

Still beleiving in War, in torture, in controlling the masses with poverty.Ifi t wasn’t so terribly,terribly tragic, it would be comical.

Robbing the people so that they can live in luxury.

They have not changed. We have; we are changing faster than they can comprehend.

They are stuck with the power is might belief; still stuck in the first Century.

The working man and woman has, in the last  fifty years or so, worked hard  at obtaining  common rights regarding work and quality of life.With one sweep all these advances in better working and living conditions have been swept away. The boss is now the King. The worker is constantly reminded that he is an extremely lucky person to have a job at all.

Well , it won't work

The rights of the people have been obtained through struggle and suffering. It would be an insult to all those brave souls before us, if we let the hard-earned gains made, be destroyed overnight by a bunch of  insane bullies.

And we won’t .

The seeds of drastic change are rising.
The sleepers are waking.

The more people wake, the more will be the restrictions placed on them.

Like a cornered rat the collective monstrosity  of this system will lash out in desperation. It can  sense that  under the top heavy pyramid it resides over, the sands are shifting and moving.

It will be a movement unlike  that ever known to all alive today.

The old age is dying.

A new one is waiting in the wings.

It just needs it’s cue to come centre stage.

We, the people,all cry together;”We have  had enough,we don’t want this; we don’t want a world full of war and suffering and hunger and manufactured disease; we want and am prepared and eager to build  a better world where the  three words, love, peace and equality are not ridiculed as being naive, but are the three  pillars that the new age will be held up by”.
 This is the cue we have to give.

The sick distorted minds don’t get it. Well,they wouldn’t would they, not with their loathsome, twisted, self-obsessesd , narrow minded outlook.
But you get it don’t you .He gets it. She gets it. We all get it.

But they don’t get it—and they are in for the shock of their lives

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