To read Chapter One click:http://mikeselleylyicsplus.blogspot.gr/2013/07/the-mystery-of-markellos-tower.html
To read Chapter Two go to:http://mikeselleylyicsplus.blogspot.gr/2013/07/the-mystery-of-markellos-tower-chapter.html
It had been six months earlier when the sun had been beaming down on two young lovers. as they sat on a fallen tree in a clearing in bluebell wood near view point in the Surrey hills.
It was then that Richard's mystery or adventure had started. He had only known Angela a couple of weeks, but felt madly in love with her. He had, as all lovers feel, never met anyone like her. He could find no fault with her at all , but then he wasn't looking for any . She, he was starting to think, was the one he had always waited for, and had, at long last, found.How wonderful for the search to be over.
She was certainly pretty with her deep brown eyes and long, dark brown hair. She was a perfect weight, not being too thin or anywhere near fat. Heck, she was the perfect woman as far as Richard was concerned. Moreover, unlike most of the previous girls he had known she was very knowledgeable and interesting to talk to.
She was, he said to himself, not narrow in her views, but was prepared to entertain any novel ideas that were not mainstream.
He looked at in admiration; her crisp white blouse and faded blue jeans, topped up with whiter than white socks creeping up over her virgin white trainers.He really wanted to- but they had done that only ten minutes ago and had squashed, in their passion about a hundred bluebells., so he decided to restrain himself.
Angela had been talking about the myths of mankind as it was a subject she was researching at college.He was interested in this, but , then again, he found he was interested in anything that Angela talked about.
He suggested that he wondered whether some of the main players in the myths were, in fact, aliens.
Instead of looking at him like he was mad. She smiled and said in her soft ,innocent voice that he could be right. She then asked him what made him think of that.
He brushed a fallen twig of her jeans- the very act excited him- and told her how, when he had been on holiday in Greece a few years ago, a tour guide ( who spoke terrible English ) who had taken a coach full of tourists to the Acropolis , had actually said the same thing.
He laughed and said, " It was so funny how horrified most of the tourists were. Most of them thought that she was really cuckoo, but I didn't. "
" No, you wouldn't", Angela pushed him playfully,." That's just up your street. You've got me excited at the mention of Greece, yet sad at the same time."
A cloud passed overhead as if in perfect harmony with the feeling that Richard had.
" I know you must go, after booking it, paying for it, and all that, but," he paused," and I know it's only two weeks, but I'll miss you."
Angela put her hand in his.
" Absence makes the heart grow stronger", she said with a giggle.She quickly added, " I mean fonder ".
" Anyway, I've always wanted to go to Greece, and when my parents invited me to go with them, I thought, well, why not ? It's not like I'm going with a gaggle of girls looking for fun. My father will drag poor Mum and me round every museum in Greece, I know ".
Richard looked serious as he said," Just watch the waiters. "
Angela, he could tell, was actually enjoying this.
" They might watch me, but I won't be watching them, I can assure you. ,"she said.
There was a brief silence as the cloud still stubbornly hid the sun. Even the birds that had been in full song minutes earlier had suddenly decided to take a break.
" Don't you mind going away with your parents at your age ? I mean, they are, what, in the fifties, and you are only twenty -six.? Won't you find it a bit, well restricting ? "
Richard regretted saying it, but the words had just stumbled out.
Angela though wasn't offended.
" No, not at all. I don't see my parents enough as it is , what with them in London and me down here, so it's a perfect opportunity for me to be with them.. I have no issues with them either. Also, the fact that I'm studying Myths at college makes the whole thing fit together."
Richard felt guilty that he was being selfish. He suddenly laughed.
" Hey, I'm being silly. Enjoy yourself."
He looked at her and couldn't resist kissing that pretty, sexy face.It was brief, but full of fire.
The sun emerged from the cloud and continued its beaming. Even the birds returned from their break with renewed vigour in their singing.
Little did Richard know how much Angela's Greek holiday would change his life forever.
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