Friday, November 8, 2013

Money For Bullets- Not For Bandages.

Money For Bullets,Not For Bandages.

Do you think that 1,738 Billion Dollars is a lot of money?

What could one do with such a large amount?

Help feed the starving millions in the 3rd World;invest in  proper, honest research to find the cures for fatal diseases; generate jobs for the  mass unemployed in almost every country;give more money for education,health care, pensions-the list could go on and on.

So why do I mention the 1,738 Billion Dollars?
Because, according to Wikepedia, this was the amount spent on the World's military machine in 2011.
Yes,1,738 Billion Dollars was spent for the sole purpose of  killing people.
Amazing, isn't it? This amount was spent to enable us to kill off our own kind.
Are we utterly insane?
No,we are not,but the people(are they really the same flesh and blood as we are?) who are involved in this, must be.They are going against a primal instinct of Nature, and that is for our species to survive.
And we let them get away with it.
We have tried to stop them- how many millions demonstrated against the Iraq War- but ,in our 'democracies' the voice of the people was totally ignored,and,of course, it is ignored today.Democracy; what a joke it would be if it wasn't so tragic.

What's more,here we are, in all countries,suffering severe austerity measures,and yet spending on weapons just gets higher and higher.No cutbacks here.But look at the cutbacks on everything else.
Odd how the I.M.F. never seem to want any country to touch this sacred cow,but are quite happy to let ordinary men,women and children suffer in every way possible.

Even odder is the fact that while the people of the World had the money stolen from them, more money was spent on the military in 2011 than at any other time in the history of the World.

The U.S.A. alone spent a massive 711 Billion on its military complex.No bells of austerity ringing  here..

Look at Greece- the canary in the mine-surely with its obsession with belt tightening,it has cut back on its military budget. spent 9,369,000,000Dollars in 2011. Tell that to the pensioners,the unemployed, the disabled, the sick.

Greece buys more German weapons than any other country in the World.

As Yanis Varoufakis, Professor of Economics at Athens University says;"When Greek Hospitals are running out of bandages,the only bit of the budget not being attacked by the E.U. and the I.M.F. is military expenditure".(Independent Newspaper 6.11.2011)

Greece is the highest military spender in terms of percentage of G.D.P in the E.U.

Professor Varoufakis adds;"Greece is a disproportionately  crucial customer for the armaments industry.In comparison to its size  it is preposterous".

While Greece is going through  its hell,its military spending has risen;it spent 7.1 Billion in 2010 compared to 6.24 Billion Dollars in 2007.
How come the I.M.F. didn't target this,instead of hitting out at the ordinary people?

58%.of Greeks military expenditure in 2010 went to Germany,according to the Stockholm International Peace Research  Institute.

The U.S.A supplies Greece with 42% of its arms.
Funny that this has not been reported in the mainstream media.

So you have the banks and the military complex that must be protected at all times.
And we, the people,are simply stamped on.

Someone once asked George Orwell( famous for his book 1984,which is almost a blueprint for what is happening in the World today) what the future  would be like for mankind.
His reply:"A boot in our face".
I think he knew something,don't you?

Mike Selley.

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