Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fact Or Fiction ?

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Fact Or Fiction.

1.The real World is the spirit World and we are its shadow.

2.There is a war in the spiritual World between two, for want of a better Word, Gods and their armies. We are the residue of this, and that is why we have constant wars, as we are merely copying what the armies in the spiritual World are doing. Every action in the spiritual World is acted out on our vibrational level.

3.What we call the subconscious is really a being sitting at a computer controlling  our every move, and playing a game. This being controls our thoughts, moods and actions; we blindly obey.

4. Life is really a fairground ride ( thanks Bill Hicks) but a very advanced one created by us. We are really in the year 5012( 3000 years in the future). There are many games we can play in 5012, but 'The Earth Game' is the most popular. We just wanted something really exciting, full of adventure, chance, risk, and thrills.. The thing that we really like about this game is that we have no access to any memories of who we  really are, before we entered the game. We know it is an extreme sport as quite terrible things can happen to us, but we are prepared to take this when we sign on for the game.

When we die, we get off the ride, and most people roar with laughter at how seriously we took it all. There is also a strong feeling of relief, once we are off the game. Surprisingly though most people want repeated rides over and over.

5.We are on a planet that is used by all the nearby planets as a testing ground.We are like guinea pigs in a lab'. As we have the same ,or similar body structures to our nearby alien creatures they can carry out many tests on us, to see how we react . Everything from hair spray to electric cigarettes are tested on us first.If we get ill after using certain products, the aliens will not use it.This is the sole reason we were created.

6.We were once God's angels, but were captured by Satan and chained to the Earth to be his slaves.

7.The most advanced intelligent beings on this planet are trees. We are many, many steps behind them. Their consciousness is vastly superior to ours. The second most intelligent are Dolphins.

8.Death is life and life is death. We are really dead now. When we die we are born. Or, you could say that, at the moment we are in the womb, and we are having dreams while in this state. When we die, that is really our moment of birth.

9.We are all in a prison, because we are all guilty of crimes against the Universe. These crimes were so awful that they have been erased from our memories. We are all serving out life sentences. The ones who die young, committed minor crimes, so their sentences are shorter.

10.As faeces are waste products of the body, thoughts are faeces of the mind.

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