Tuesday, July 2, 2013

British Royalty Love To Kill

British Royalty And Blood Sports.

This is taken from the archive, as it was written shortly after the absurd ' Jubilee' , as will be obvious from its content.The picture ( by the brilliant David Dees ) above is meant to depict the leaders of our sick world , and how they love to kill.The British Royal Family are one of the key players  who control the world, and they support and encourage death and destruction.They are evil, and yet they pretend to be so good. They even attend the Church Of England., and yet support mass killings around the world. Satan ( to use the Western terminology ) is the greatest deceiver, and he has deceived so many for so long. The days of evil though  are drawing to a finish, and his servants days are numbered.
Millions filled the streets,young, old, from different social backgrounds,all waving the Union Jack. Street parties were everywhere. A celebration of celebrations.It was all in aid of one person- a woman, a few years short of ninety. And didn't everyone look so happy, despite the rain, nothing would dampen their loyalty, their adoration of the Queen.
There she was,taking a leaf out of Kate's book, smiling endlessly.A nice sweet old granny with a smile in her eyes.

The British are animal lovers, and usually dislike with vehemence anyone who inflicts pain on, or kills animals.
So, it is very strange that the masses seem to take to someone, whose only pastime appears to be killing innocent animals on a regular basis.She kills them for pleasure.

This lady shot her first stag in 1942; she goes stalking Bambi, or rather deer during her holidays in Scotland.
Her husband shoots game birds in Britain,and wild bears in Germany.Her children go fox hunting. They are all at it, and at it a hell of a lot.

The lady's consort, shortly before he launched The World Wildlife Fund in 1961, went on a tiger hunt with the Queen.The tiger was lured into a place by the temptation of tethered goats, so the good Prince could get his kicks , and shoot the poor tiger with ease.
The World's first International Appeals Director of the W.W.F., Ian Macphail, told a British reporter that once a mother elephant and her calf suddenly appeared near Prince Phillip, who promptly shot the mother, and the poor calf ran off in stark terror. Macphail said he had to make sure that this incident never saw the light of day, but he obviously changed his mind later and decided to let the cat, or in this case, elephant and calf , out of the bag.

Fox news, it is said, reported that the dashing Prince William recently drove a metal tipped 7 foot long spear through an antelope while on holiday.He killed it because it gave him pleasure to do so, and for no other reason.
 A normal person goes on holiday to swim, sunbathe  go sightseeing, to eat well and to drink far more than normal. Not if your Royalty; no  their holidays must include something like killing  animals with 7 foot spears.

The Daily Mail- usually a great supporter of anything Royal- actually reported that the handsome Prince William recently purchased 250 different kinds of birds for blood sports. He is also said to join in the Highgrove Fox Hunts, where a pack of hounds tear a terrified fox to shreds.

Christmas at Sandringham found William and Harry killing countless numbers of birds by shooting them. Recently, both are said to have gone to Spain on a ' secret killing spree of harmless animals.'.

The, she of the fixed smile, who can do no wrong. Kate, the one whose sister the Daily Mail keeps telling us  has a wonderful' derriere', also spent boxing day with the Royal family shooting away happily, no doubt with that smile still stuck on her face .Doing it for fun.

I remember a few years ago, seeing a video on you tube of the Queen savagely kicking a fox to death. This video is no longer available. In fact I couldn't find any videos of Royalty engaged in killing animals, whereas a few years ago there  were quite a few to choose from .They have been removed.

Bloodthirsty is the word that springs to mind when you think of this family.

I thought it odd that at the Jubilee, Phillip, Charles, William and Harry all turned up as if they were expecting a war, as they were proudly wearing their military uniforms, that were adorned with countless medals.Why?
Is it, as I suppose it must be, to remind us all how supportive of anything military the Royals are. Anything to do with murder or slaughter or mindless killing is their sort of thing.

The image portrayed of the British Royal family is nowhere near the truth of how they really are.
If the press wasn't muzzled and honestly reported on the  bloodlust these people suffer from, the British people would no longer support them. They would be seen as they really are; not the sanitized, oh, aren't they a normal wonderful family they are portrayed as, but as  followers of ancient barbaric acts.Most of all they have no thought or concern for any species, and that, of course, includes us.

They are not alone though.If you look under the stones of not only the Royal families worldwide, but also World leaders, one of the many things they have in common is their lust to kill.Most, if not all of them  engage in hunting pursuits, whether for  big game or for  tiny birds.

These are the people who dictate our lives,control our lives, and decide how much money we can have in our pockets.

Is it surprising that they ( no, it's not us) have messed this beautiful planet up,and at the moment seem determined to spin the planet into overkill?

It's time for the dinosaurs to go and to go fast.They are too dangerous and damaging to
 all the species on this planet. There is no place on the earth for such anti-life types. They are still stuck in a time warp that is thousands of years out of date.

The Earth is tired of their mindless, pointless, selfish slaughter of its own unique beings.It will shake  these anti- lifers off, because they are going way too far. Killing, cruelty and war are words  that one day will only be found in history books, and will not exist in the World in the future.

It is up to us to bring that World closer to reality, in any way that we can.

Exposing these people as they really are, and not as they pretend to be, is important. If enough people realize that these smiling, polite , well-spoken, smartly dressed, low grade actors are nothing like the image they betray, the people will no longer support them.
The Pyramid will then collapse.

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