Saturday, July 6, 2013

New: Exclusive Visualization Methods.

New: Exclusive Visualization Methods.

From the formless comes the form.
From the invisible comes the visible.
Zen Masters claim the the formless and the formed are the same,and that the void is the same as that which is filled.

Great truths, but how do they apply to our everyday life? Surprisingly, or if you really understand zen, not surprisingly, they do.

The computer in front of you and the chair you are sitting on were once formless. They were ideas in someone's head. Now they appear to have form. Notice I said appear to have form. But, actually they don't have form at all. Quantum Physics has proven that one. An object only has form (matter) if we observe it.If we don't observe it, it is a fuzzy blur or formless.

The magic  formula of imagining a formless image in your mind, and then this formless image appears in a formed state  in front of your eyes, is great as a concept as to how manifesting works.I have said that this is how it works,and it is the easiest way to view this as a workable method.

But, it's not strictly true. You see, when the formless changes into the formed, well, it doesn't really do this. It remains the same as it was in your mind when you observe it in the outside world. In other words it is still formless, but when we look at it, it is our act of perceiving that makes it appear to have form. In'reality' it is exactly the same as it was when you imagined it.

This struck me yesterday. I was sitting in the port of the beautiful Greek island ,Aegina and was talking to a friend.The port had a few expensive yachts moored nearby where we were sitting. My friend told me how he loved boats, yachts and the sea, and how he would love to own a yacht, and that he would aim to get one one day. I said to him ,why not get it this year, by using visualization.

It suddenly hit me,that all these yachts were really formless, and when we didn't look at them, they were not there. If we didn't observe them, they would just be a fuzzy blur.So, I wondered, why do we give so much credibility to what we can see in what appears to be a formed state, yet we tend to dismiss the formless images in our head, as of little or no value. In 'reality' they are exactly the same as the images we see in the 'outside'World. Exactly the same; a bold assertion, but I believe it is true.

This opens up the visualization doors very wide. Simply by realizing this fact alone, gives you far greater confidence and faith in the power of visualization because you understand that your' mind stuff' is just the same as your'outside stuff'., so is just as important. Once you fully comprehend this fact, you should find doing your manifesting a lot easier.

Here is a new exclusive visualization method to help you improve your skills in this area.
1.Look at an object, say, a pen, and look at it intently for a few seconds.
2.Close your eyes and picture it in your head.
What you are doing is reversing the usual process of manifesting.You are looking at the so-called formed pen, and then seeing it in your mind in a fuzzy formless state.
This should make you realize that there is no difference between the' outside' and the' inside'. It should also improve you visualization skills.

And here's another new exclusive visualization method to improve your skills.
1.Look at an object- a watch, say- for a few minutes.
2.Close your eyes and picture the same object in your mind, just like in the previous exercise.
3.Open your eyes and look at the same formed object, the watch, in the 'outside'World.
4.Look at a different object, a vase, say, for a few minutes.
5.Close your eyes and picture the vase in your head.
6.Open your eyes and look at the same'formed'object, the vase,in the 'outside'World.
7 Do this with as many objects as possible.

The idea behind this is to convince yourself that what you visualize in your head (the objects)  are immediately seen in the 'outside'World, so any visualization you do will work in the same way. If the mind gets used to this enough, it should programme it to accept that visualization  absolutely works, is a natural law, and works wonderfully easily.
Have fun trying out these exclusive new methods.

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